4th cycle, please a...
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4th cycle, please advice...

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Starting my 4th cycle, how do you guys think about this cycle? 1-4 30mg/ed Dbol 1-10 750mg/w test enanthate 1-10 200mg/w EQ 9-13 50mg/ed Winny Jino-HGH 4IU/5d on 2d off for 6 months Slin 6IU post workout on workout day Current stats: 6', 190lbs, 10%BF

Feli Fly
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The test/dbol/whinny part looks good, but bump the EQ to 400mg EW... 600 if you have used it before. No comment on the HGH. You shouldn't use insulin for 13 weeks straight unless you think type II diabetes looks cool on your medical record. I'd use it only wks 1-3 and 5-7. 6iu on workout days should be fine.

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Run Test E 1-11 to keep the levels even for PCT. Definitely bump up Eq (if you're using 750mg of Test E - I'd say 600mg EQ seems reasonable ---- but at least 400) That's a good cycle to get some lean muscle - I wouldn't be surprized to see you at 210 under 10% bf after the cycle ----- Make sure you keep your diet right - even though you get HGH - but with slin, make sure you don't overdo the carbs. I'm personally agains slin shuts - but if you know what you're doing - 6IU post workout sounds good. Good luck Jay PS I assume you take slin with GH on workout days.

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Thanks for the input. For Slin, I thinking running it on 3 weeks on/ 3weeks off, only on workout days.... got diabetic runs in the family. 🙁 From the experience of previous cycles, the growth stops at the 8th week, ,hope this time the slin & hgh will kick it up a notch.

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Originally posted by abluntral From the experience of previous cycles, the growth stops at the 8th week, ,hope this time the slin & hgh will kick it up a notch. That's a little bit misleading. The fist 8 weeks you see most of the progress because your muscles get volume - after 8 weeks new muscle cells develope - you don't feel it - but the actual real growth takes place after 8 weeks. HGH will def add to that growth. good luck
