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3rd cycle Help!

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Ok I'm 23 years old yesterday and am gathering for my third cycle and ask you guys to help me out I'm 212lbs 6' and I think like 20% bodyfat I would like to do a good bulk cycle its winter and then cut in the spring. Have been training for 2 years now My first cycle was 250mg sust a week for 10 weeks gaine a good 23Lbs second omni and deca 250mg omni a week and 200 mg deca a week but never gained much I hase been 6 months sinse my last cycle and had taken 2 months off and have been going back to the gym for a month now But I cant decide this is what I have come up with from reading week 1 750 mg sust week 2 500 sust 300 deca week 3 500 sust 450 deca week 4 500 sust 450 deca week 5 500 sust 450 deca week 6 500 sust 450 deca week 7 500 sust 450 deca week 8 500 sust 450 deca week 9 500 sust 450 deca 25 proviron ED week 10 500 sust 450 deca 25 proviron ED week 11 250 sust 450 deca 25 proviron ED week 12 250 sust 450 deca 20 Nolvadex ED week 13 450 deca 20 nolvadex ED week 14 300 deca 20 nolvadex ED week 15 100 mg clomid ED week 16 50 md clomid ED I have 30 karachi sust 15 winstrol depot Zambon 50mg 15 Test enanthate 250 and 5000mg deca and PCT What do you think and should I include winni or save it for a cutting cycle? Help

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You're at 20% body fat. What do you want to bulk up to? Do the cutting cycle first.

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Do not need to taper the sust and deca. Why would u continue running deca for 2 more weeks than sust? Run and stop them at the same time would be better imo, they both have approximately the same halflife. Using nolv after stopping sust while still running deca will not do much if u're thinking of jump starting the nuts ๐Ÿ˜€ Just follow the good ole method and use clomid 2 weeks after stopping both sust and deca at the same time(unless u're trying to run off some extra deca, then run them off at the start of the cycle ๐Ÿ™‚ ) You could use the winny for the first 2 wks since sust and deca doesn't kick in that fast. Or if u would, get more winny and use it for the next cycle instead. cheers.

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Since u're at 20% might be better to lost some 1st like xmas250 suggested, but i know no matter what advice u get if u have already set your mind on starting this bulker u'll go ahead and do it ๐Ÿ™‚ But remember u'll need to cut extra hard the next time ๐Ÿ˜€

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sust is self tapering & no reason to taper deca up or down. stop deca the same time you stop the test. & keep the sus @ 500 throughout a 12 week cycle. you should be in the gym more before you decide to do a cycle.

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Should I cut my body fat down I used a couple of online test that just use mesurements and it came out to 19 - 20% I never used a caliper or anything If I should cut first you think what is a killer cut cycle that wont eat my muscle I have 15 winstrol depot and about 200ml of ventipulmin and I think my diet has to change but I don't know what to eat if I stop eating it dosnt help I don't know what to eat and when to eat I realy can use some help here any help would be greatly appreciated

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Use the mirror ๐Ÿ˜€
