3rd cycle going bac...
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3rd cycle going back to basics

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first I am 5'10 217 and a grandpa at 30 (that's what my wife jokes) this will be my 3 cycle. The first was an eight week test Dbol and went from 187 to 195 but became slot more solid towhat I was before. My next cycle after equal time off was Tren At 500 and equipose at 400 ew with a dbol kickstart and went to 219 and then down to 210. I know that. Should have probably waited until my 3rd or 4th to use tren but I have 3 guys who have been in this game to a while that told me to go that way. I had no bad sides other than heightened paranoia, which sucked! I was not strict on my diet in December except for making sure I had enough protein.
I am looking to do a run of 750mg of test e and 400mg of eqiup for 10-12 weeks focusing on quality gains. I will do a dbol kickstart of four weeks at 30mg. Standard nolva for issues and nolva & clomid for Pct. I also add in HCG ew, which I have not used before but have not had the atrophy to the extent that other have had in my past experiences.
Any constructive criticism would be appreciated. I want to do a contest in july so I will taketh next seven months to prep for my first show!

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First off, you may not have realized but you were shutdown when you ran the tren b/c tren shuts you down more than anything else b/c its the most potent androgen. So you have exp being shut down severely.

The cycle could use some work. 12 Weeks for EQ. I would recommend running it for 14 weeks minimum due to the long ester that is used with EQ. I would suggest 2x week as for frequency of shots for you eq and test enth. Also, I would run an ai like a-dex throughout to keep excess estrogen at bay. You can use nol instead though but there is a difference. You will want to run HCG E3rd or 2x week @ 250iu - 500iu. You can take the HCG IM or Sub-q. Many, myself included, take it sub-q with a slin pin. I recommend you research our PCT forum and design a stronger PCT in order to help keep your gains.

These are a few things I noticed.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
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thanks for the help. I didn't add that i used adex during both cycles and used nolva and clomid for pct. I need to use hcg this time around, as I am well aware off. I thought I would try nolva instead of adex this time, it being so much cheaper but I guess I will stick with the adex. I was also going to break the shots into 3x a week. Can I get away with two times a week?
