2nd Cycle...Thought...
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2nd Cycle...Thoughts?

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Hey guys!

Just started my 2nd cycle and had a quick question. The first 6 weeks looks like this:

Week 1-6
30 mg Dbol ED (Dbol for first FOUR weeks only)
375 mg test e Monday and Thursday
200 mg Tren E Monday and Thursday

Week 6-12

100 mg Test Prop EOD
75 mg Tren Ace EOD

I have some Var around already and thought that this cycle would probably be as good as any to throw into...Last four weeks at 60 mg ED.

My first cycle was a 15 weeker at 500 mg Test E / week and I made some good gains. I'm looking for some good lean mass gains and to cut up a little more on this cycle.

What do you think?

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That's a fairly drastic drop in total mg AAS between weeks 1-6 (1150) and weeks 6-12 (~600).

I'm not saying that you can't do it that way and still progress, just that I probably wouldn't.

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i agree. I personally would skip the dbol, dbol and tren in a second cycle is a little over the top imo.


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I can see dropping the dbol...My impatience does put me over the top occasionally.

What are your thoughts on the drop in total AAS weekly like Bear said? I hadn't even thought of it that way until he pointed it out. (Thanks, BTW!) To eliminate that, would I switch to ED with the prop/ace?

Var? I'm just itching to use that stuff somewhere! LOL

Thanks again guys!

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I wouldn't use any orals this cycle and you don't want to drop dose imo half way into the cycle.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
I wouldn't use any orals this cycle and you don't want to drop dose imo half way into the cycle.

Alright...I'm NEVER going to be able to use the rest of this Dbol or Var am I? LOL

Both Dbol and the Var are out...I know, you guys are right.

Anyways, so, to increase the mg of prop and ace would you move to ED or stick with EOD and bump up the volume?


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sure you will. I really like tren and test cycles where you use test and Tren Enanthate up until the last two weeks, two weeks from the end switch to prop and acetate. for me, 12 weeks of tren for a second cycle is still a little to much. You will have plenty of time to do heavy cycles later. You have to remember here that cycles are like opinions.....


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I agree with JB on the timing of your switch from the long esters to the short esters. There is no need to switch to injecting more volume at a higher frequency 6 weeks before the end of the cycle.

Regarding the dosage changing, I also wouldn't make the total dose drop quite so much. I personally would prefer to increase the volume on an EOD schedule over going to ED injections, so long as the total volume was manageable. In other words, I never shoot more than 3 ccs into glutes, and 2 into delts or quads.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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That's a fairly drastic drop in total mg AAS between weeks 1-6 (1150) and weeks 6-12 (~600).

I'm not saying that you can't do it that way and still progress, just that I probably wouldn't.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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whatever you do I would kick with prop and also end with it. Instead at the mo your are taking 4-5 weeks to get going with long esters (during which period you will be suppressed without gaining much).

not sure about the theory but personally I like to start and end clean/quick - with fast acting stfuf.

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Thanks everyone for the input. Dbol is completely out, but I have been running the Test and Tren. Love the tren...BUT, it's DEFINATELY making me break out BIG TIME. It was never like this with the test only...

It's getting so bad that even though I'm looking much bigger and feeling better, because of the acne I'm really self-conscious about taking off my shirt. As much as I like it, I think I'm off the tren soon...

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I find that the recommended moisturiser is completely unnecessary, but the regimen of soap and low concentration BP gel works like the proverbial charm (as well as the Accutane I once took, years and years ago.)
