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2022 / Test Cycle

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Hey bro's I'm going to run a Test and Mast cycle for my next cycle. I've never run Mast before so I wanted some input on the best way to run it and how much to run.

I'm going to run my cycle as follows:

1-3 Test Prop 100mg ED
3-20 Sust 250mg 3x EW
14-20 winny 50mg ED
A-dex 1mg EoD
1-20 HCG 250iu 2x EW

What would be a good dose of Mast to run with this cycle, can I pin EoD and would it be a problem to run it out for the length of the cycle? Sorry for the 20 questions I have done my research but couldn't find much on protocol for this stuff.

I'm 5'9" 195lbs 10% BF and have Run Test/Deca/EQ/Winny/Var/D-bol in my cycles in the past. My goals are just to harden up a bit and get a bit leaner for a summer vacation. I have no concerns with hair loss and I don't run PCT I'm on TRT.

I also have EQ/Deca/Tren on hand but wanted to keep this cycle simple.

Any suggestions or input would be great!

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 28

I know BI usually runs his Mast at 400mg/wk and he hardens up quite nicely.

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I am a HUGE fan of masteron and tend to run it at 400mg a week with winny and Test. It's a great combination and I think it would complete the cycle you're going to run.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
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Posted by: BrotherIron
I am a HUGE fan of masteron and tend to run it at 400mg a week with winny and Test.It's a great combination and I think it would complete the cycle you're going to run.

Great! That's exactly what I was thinking, just wasn't sure if 400mg was enough. Now I know

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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I haven't heard much of masteron, whats its main purpose in a cycle? how long would would run it for on a normal cycle? I would like to try something new as well one day.

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Posted by: Wheat
I haven't heard much of masteron, whats its main purpose in a cycle? how long would would run it for on a normal cycle? I would like to try something new as well one day.

Well I'm going to run it like BI and my cycle will be 20 weeks so when I'm done I'll post up the results. I've heard it helps to give you a hard ripped dense look if your BF is low enough and thats what I'm after, but I've never taken it.

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
1350mg Sustanon
900mg Deca
400mg NPP
400mg Suspension
150mg Anadrol
5'9" 224lbs

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Posts: 126
Posted by: h4x
Great! That's exactly what I was thinking, just wasn't sure if 400mg was enough. Now I know

I've gone as high as 500mg/wk and there wasn't a notiable diff betw 400 and 500.

What is masteron good for, you're askign Wheat.Well it's a mild androgen but has anti e properties.I find it helps harden me and give me mild strength gains.I retain 0 water on the cycle I mentioned.These things all make it an attractive supp to run.Steady gains, No bloat, and Anti E properties.And it works well when stacked to intensify the overall effect.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Sounds like a pretty sweet compound, thanks for the info BI! Ill have to look into that perhaps for the next cycle? Is that the compound thats a little pricey though? Sounds like it has some similarities to EQ or winni?

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Posted by: h4x
Well I'm going to run it like BI and my cycle will be 20 weeks so when I'm done I'll post up the results. I've heard it helps to give you a hard ripped dense look if your BF is low enough and thats what I'm after, but I've never taken it.

good luck with it h4x! I would definitely be interested in seeing and hearing about your experience with it. Im around 12-13% bf so I would prob have to get around 10ish or less before it would be worth it for me to run it I would imagine?

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how will mast work if your not low bf
