I'm a lifetime natural lifter that has competed in MMA at a high level for 7 yrs and always maintained a strong powerlifting ethic in the gym. 34 yrs old, 6'2", 260, 16-17% bf with most of it being abdominal fat. I've never been on more for monetary reasons - wife and kids - than any moral or health issues. Got a hold of 50 count 50 mg British Dragon winstrol and was wondering what the general consensus was on how to optimize results. Normally train total body or upper/lower split, high volume, heavy weight with sparring and basketball on off days. Since its a cardio-based compound, I'm thinking of going to a bodybuilding split, moderate volume, high reps so that I can include steady state cardio @ 1 hr daily in addition to dropping carbs from 200s to close to 100 g/daily in order to get the most out of it. I was thinking of doing JGuns Supercutter since I normally use something similar to make weight (I fight @ heavyweight), but since I've never done a BB split I thought it might be more effective. Any advice would be appreciated.
Stop the madness, just plain and good Testosterone bro, please.
"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.
yeah no doubt, dont risk the pain in the joints, just get some good long acting test and you will be very happy. You can diet like a mofo on test and still gain size.
Stop the madness, just plain and good testosterone bro, please.
I agree winstrol is trash.
liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.
winny has its moments....but the majority seem to show hairloss, dry joints...shitty lipids within 1 week etc....
personalyl I stay away from it...would rather run low dose halo.
Where I live W is king because of the sun and the girls...on the other hand they complain about male pattern baldness and joint problems. What about their liver? Nevermind, they never care to monitor .
"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.
Thanks for the input. Like I said, the only reason the winny was an option was because of availability and price - I've got a guy bartering for PT @ one of the gyms I'm at. Looking for test isn't really an option, so I'm likely going to stay with my usual protocol. Thanks.