Whats a training pa...
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Whats a training partner worth?

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After training for some time by myself I thought I was pushing myself to the max. Do you think you are?...well think again because as in my case........maybe not! The last 4 weeks since my comp, MA92 and I have been training together. I look back over my past twelve months of training by myself and question, just how hard was I pushing myself? You tend to get complacent, going in to train, you think you push yourself, but do you? Here is an example. It's leg day, everyones favourite. We have done our leg extentions then moved onto squats where we obtain some good personal goals. Ofcourse our intensity is high to achieve those, so we are pretty stuffed. Then to leg press where we decide to place our feet high and close together. Im into my second set, Ive done about 8 and it's getting hard...MA92 quips, I just got 15. Now ofcourse the red flag has just been waved and 15 is achieved...16 actually. Now I know for a fact if MA92 wasnt there I would have probably got 10-12 and been satisfied. How often do you get to twelve and just stop?..why?..thats not failure....it's not intensity...its just ho hum. Now MA92 follows with 20. We put another 4 plates on...yep! 4 plates. Well there's no way I'm going to let MA92 win...so off I start....5 - yep no probs, 10 - doing ok, 15 - shit this is hurting but I can still go, 20 - now I have to make it impossible for him...25.. you beauty!the weights crash back down and I know I have given it my all...25 reps with an extra 4 plates. So how much is a training patner worth? I would say 4 plates and an extra 10 reps...put a value on that! If you can push that much harder on each exercise...(and we are)...that extra effort...that extra intesity can only help you to achieve you bodybuilding goals. There are many attributes that are required for a good training partner such as, 1. Good positive attitude. 2. Reliability 3. Hunger A good partner is worth......well in the words of Mastercard advertising....priceless. PS. MA92 got on the leg press and done 27 reps...geeze I hate training partners!!

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I could only wish I had a training partner. I understand that I try to push myself but I also believe that with someone there pushing me I could go so much further, and I also believe forced reps are good too ๐Ÿ˜‰ Good stuff on breaking through the barrier AdelBB

Mr Oz
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definately worth a bit, only trouble i have is getting my mate to get to the gym on time

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Yes that's true, use to train with someone who just by being there would help me do extra reps. But sometimes it can be worse having a training partner if they dont know how to spot, thus i have to substitute exercises for others so that failure can be obtained without a nasty accident occuring. But legs is a problem for sure cos you need someone on just about every exercise you do for quads.

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a training partner who shares your passions and goals IS priceless one who does not is worthless......

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Aw shucks................. I am embarrassed now................ ๐Ÿ™‚

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Unfortunately in my little corner of paradise there are no like minded individuals avaliable to take up the challenge. I have my best buddy train with me anyway on days when he gets that chance , you would be supprised how sharp a 7 year old can get when you come up short a rep or two ... " you only did 8 daddy ! " has a whole lot of effect when your living up to the expections of someone that holds you in such high regard. Soooo that will just have to do me for now . ๐Ÿ™‚ Ab

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Originally posted by MonstaDwarf a training partner who shares your passions and goals IS priceless one who does not is worthless...... too true, would rather train by myself than most training partners I have had. I have been training with my fiance for the past 2 years, and dispite me being twice the size/strength, shes the "toughest" partner I have had. Wont give me a break or take any of my bullshit excuses for stopping a set early. Pressure is alwasy on. Plus if I tell her to put her weight up 5kg, she puts it up 7 just to show me shes tougher.

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Hey Unreal. Nevermind. You should be soon the best built guy in your area! If not already. And then you can compete in and win the prestigious Mr Rural NSW. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Originally posted by unreal_1 Unfortunately in my little corner of paradise there are no like minded individuals avaliable to take up the challenge. I have my best buddy train with me anyway on days when he gets that chance , you would be supprised how sharp a 7 year old can get when you come up short a rep or two ... " you only did 8 daddy ! " has a whole lot of effect when your living up to the expections of someone that holds you in such high regard. Soooo that will just have to do me for now . ๐Ÿ™‚ Ab LOL...love it mate ๐Ÿ™‚

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About $9.99 lol sorry just couldnt resist and just got up a little while ago... You are right though a trainging partner (the RIGHT training partner) is totally invaluable... at the moment I am like Unreal... I use my kids comments as motivation as I havent found a trianing partner (yet...) although one of my old training partners is talking about training with me again so extra gains here I come...!!!

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Originally posted by MonstaDwarf a training partner who shares your passions and goals IS priceless one who does not is worthless...... Bump To make a training partner worthwile I think you need to find someone who is passionate, dedicated, willing to do your split and who knws the meaning of "shutup and train". One day I'm sure I will find someone ๐Ÿ˜€ But now I am pretty happy with my walkman and inspiring music.

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I'd say it'd be more important to those who are lifting heavier weights. You'd need more support to prepare you mentally to lift a heavy amount of weight and whilst most of us can motivate ourselves a little extra does certainly help. Personally i'd rather train on my own, i can motivate myself enough to kill it on leg day each week but i am not pushing massive amounts of iron so dont need spotting. When someone has been there with me the motivation definitely helps, especially when you can barely make that last rep and you have someone yelling at you calling you a pussy ๐Ÿ™‚
