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weight training for grappler

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can someone suggest a weights program for person training in grappling/muaythai

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Hey marble,. You might have to try the Strong man forum or the main board for that one mate,... I don't know about Muay Thai,..but for Go Ju Kai,..we just used to do endurence type weights (circuit training)and general cardio,...so you can put a bit of snap in your strikes and kicks,... I see way too many Kick boxers that haven't put enough conditioning into themselves and can't even do the three rounds with a bit of class,..It just looks totally ridiculous seeing people trying to fight who can't even hold their guard or complete a snap kick,.,.. so at least go for some serious cardio and try and put a bit of muscle on around your shoulders and legs and sharpen up your gut,.. just my observations mate Maniac

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My mate was australian heavyweight champion in brasilian ju-jitsu...and he is a monster now, weighing 30kilos more than when he competed for the title.. He trains with heavy weight, high reps, and drop sets and supersets...all done to failure and with a couple forced reps... Basic movements are his favourites as is cable work

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deleted, but keeping so I can refer to IP with ease. IronMike Email me if you have a problem with this.

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I used to do alot of Muay Thai, about 4 years worth. I used to train legs with moderate weights aroud 12-15 reps. Squats, extensions and curls - not training to failure though. Also, used to do alot of plyometrics for legs, and sprint work. As for grappling, probably alot of grip work, cleans. Like maniac said - try the strongman board there would be alot of people who train in that fasion there. And cardio!!! Deziner

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I hope you take me up on my offer morpheus....

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I am a blackbelt in wing chun king fu - have been doing this for 3 1/2 years now. I am starting to do kickboxing now also, not sure whether to do plain kick boxing or thai kick boxing.. any ideas?? gringo

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Gringo,.. If you want to fuck around with kick boxing and you've already got your shodan in wing chun,...why don't you take up something a bit more challenging like Zen do kai Karate,..it's a good hard style with lots of good full contact tournaments and you'll find both of the kick boxing styles and techniques included in it,... No offense to the kickboxers out there,...but the sport IS attracting lots of wanks these days,... Most of the good modern day kickboxers in Australia have their roots in Zen Do Kai. Maniac,. Just my two cents worth.

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Isnt karate very based on form etc? The only reason i am leavn wing chun is i am sick of havn to learn new shit every lesson! When you go to kick-boxing u learn the same things over and over, ie. there are not millions of moves like in wing chun! i feel like i am school with kung fu, always havn to learn new shit and remember it for gradings!

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Okay mate,. I've got your drift now,..Yeah,.If you took up Zen Do Kai or Kyokushin or any of the Karate forms,.you'd be back into the grind of learning your kata's and strikes,blocks and kicks etc etc etc,..for your gradings,.. Now that I understand what your looking for,.Id suggest the Thai Style of K/B,..because with your grounding based on wing chun,.you should be able to fall straight into it easily,...using elbows and knees for blocking and striking in wing chun goes hand in hand with the Thai style of Kick boxing,.. Now all you've got to do is find a good school,...see if you can find a Bob Jones school,..he was one of the original founders of Zen Do Kai in australia and has gone on to do great things for Thai style Kick boxing round sydney and Australia in general,...another bloke to look up is Tarrack Solari,..I don't know if there's any schools down your way though mate. Maniac

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Play nice boys & girls. 🙂 I'v been a member of the "Central Shooting Range" for about 6 months now. And guys its the best Thing iv done since starting too train. There is nothing like the feeling of holding & blowing a few rounds to the target. Although as of late been looking into a more "contact sport" to get involved in........ this thread has helped out. And Maniac, your right there ARE a lot of idiots out there that are giving K/Boxing a shady kinda rep. Stallion

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Stallion,. you got any ideas which way you want to go or what you're looking for in a contact sport???? Maniac,...

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Maniac..... I was thinking about going the good old fashioned run off the mill...... Boxing. I'm not to flex able or mentally inclined to go the 'Karate style' side of things, also........... it takes years to perfect. More so...........have always liked to watch Boxing.......a friend of mine is into it now, & is moving away from Weight Training...... He has lost some BF & is ready 4 his first Bout! Good Choice..... ? Stallion

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Stallion,. I think one of the most important things that you've done is recognised what your personal preferences are,... Lots of people can watch a Vann stupid Damm movie and then rush off to join their nearest Karate school,...within 30 minutes of being there they realise that they're not gonna be kicking and killing bricks and boards thirty feet up in the air over their heads,.not for a good few years anyway,. You've said you don't have the mental want or the flexibility to go the Karate way,....wise choice for yourself mate,..you just saved some money and a lot of frustration for yourself,... You can still do heavy weight training and be a damn good boxer,....look at Tyson's build,..shit on a stick he's fucken huge,...and the training for boxing is very heavily cardio oriented,..so It'll make for some more varied and interesting workouts for you,... At least with boxing you can wade righ in amongst it and start enjoying right from the start,.. The more Traditional Martial arts have a habit of starting off REAL slow,..and then proggressivly getting more interesting the more you learn Go with boxing mate,..your heart and mind has to be there before your body can join in,....... Just don't bite anyones ear off eh??? Maniac

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U have offended me with the ears joke buddy. I move over to Australia to get away from Don and the Vegas scene, try to make myself a quiet home, grow some facial hair, and this is what I find.... hmmph.... IronMike (Tyson) PS - yeah go with boxing, great sport, great for all round coordination

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