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torn triceps

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I just got the MRI info that I have torn my left tri 35-55%...they are not sure exactly.... My question is this: Is there something I should be taking to keep this shit from happening????? this is the second muscle I have torn....I also have shitty ligaments...I have crap knees and seem to be falling apart. I need help! I am scared to spank the monkey now, it might fall of or something....any help is appreciated..thanks, HITTER

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+ tore my rt tricept a year ago. Cant even see the horseshoe hook anymore amd id estimate 25% less strength and the tore took 1/2 inch from my arm size. The thing about the whole event is i was being careful and handed backto my spotter the weight when the tear occured(ski=ull crushers,) No pain just an elbow which disappears frpm the swelling and the huge pool of black on the underside of the arm/

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my right bicep is torn at the bottom... don't know where I got it from, but I suspect from sports injuries as a kid. Fucking sucks, it affects my strength, but not by much... mostly just appearance... I wish there was a way to repair...

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i tore my left tricep tendon in tore from the muscle and from the elbow...had surgery to reattach it and rehabbed for 3 months before hitting the surgeon was excellent and i got back my full strength and shape...however, it took a full year to get complete stability back in the joint...last 10/17, i tore both quad tendons in a freak squatting accident...extreme tendinitis was the culprit...both time, i was using EQ and had used winny....makes me wonder if those substances contributed to the injuries...quads are almost fully healed at this point, but the experience was horrible...worse than the tricep tear...

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It's been pretty well documented that steroids can contribute to tendon ruptures. They tend to stimulate irregular collagen growth in connective tissue. This affects some people more than others. Since there is a good chance you may be one of the people sensitive to this problem, be sure you're not taking any aas while rehabbing.

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I heard the EQ helps repair ligiments and Tendons.

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i have heard that muscle strength grows quicker than the tendons can handle.

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This tear occurred in the actual belly itself......I really don't know why. I sure hope I can figure out what the hell is up...this stuff has to stop.

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sounds like the muscle is stronger than the fibers could handle. bummer, i hope it gets better soon!

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Thank you PW....i appreciate the thought

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So is your doc planning surgery or do you just have to deal with having a fickd up muscle? Sounds like it would deform the muscle if it is right in the muscle belly. Peace

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Friday morning is when it happened...the MRI was friday at 4:00....and they have not got in touch with me yet to tell me...all they could tell me was more than 35% to up to 55% torn.... I am still in the dark as to whether or not I will have surgery....find out in the morning.
