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Personal Best's !!

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This has been one helluva week for me.. just thought I'd post up these numbers to get more motivation.. sorta "set it in stone" if you will :

So far:

Monday - Deadlift - 3 sets of 495 (finally five plates !) x 6
Bar shrugs - 2 sets 495 x 6
Tuesday - Incline bar bench - 3 sets 325 x 6
Flat Bar bench - 2 sets 365 x 6
Wednesday - Alternate db curls - 2 sets 80's x 6
Straight bar curls - 2 sets 175 x 6 (elbows kept tucked to sides)

Thursday - Squats - 3 sets 375 x 6, 385 x 6, 390 x 6 (ass to the floor!! Firm believer in below parallel for growth)

Friday - Seated Military DB press - 115's x 6, 120's x6, 125's x 4 solid, forced out the 5th and 6th..( had a problem with getting the weights up to press them.. usually I have my spotter help me kick them up, but I had a problem with the left side so it screwed my set.. I think I'm going to have two people just hand me the weights at the top next time to avoid this problem)

Saturday was hams and I skipped doing heavy straight leg deads becase my arms/shoulders were feeling a little beat up from this week, so I just took it easy with some light straight leg deads this week.. (225 x 8)

Everyone else, I encourage you.. post up your numbers, let us all know what you're working with... The best part, is 6 months from now you can reread it and know if you're on track !

- RR
" Go hard or go home !"

"Lightweight baby!"

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 175

damn man!



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I figured you to be a real pansy..... and your lifts confirm what a candy-ass you are. You should be ashamed of posting those baby-weights......... my sister lifts more.

Actually, those are very admirable stats bro. Great job. How tall are you, how much do you weigh?

Be well.


"You still got the tools, but they're different" (Angelo Dundee => Muhammad Ali)

242 lbs.
leaning out a bit

"One guy thinks he can, another guy thinks he can't. Both are right. Which one are you son?" (Nike commercial football coach)

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Posted by: PC1

I figured you to be a real pansy..... and your lifts confirm what a candy-ass you are. You should be ashamed of posting those baby-weights......... my sister lifts more.

Actually, those are very admirable stats bro. Great job. How tall are you, how much do you weigh?

How did I know you'd come strolling through here and bash my puny lifts I was just telling a guy in the gym the other day that my grandmother can lift that much too... anyhow lol, you're a funny guy PC1 !

I'm 5'5 1/2", around 205 fairly low bf, If I had to guess I'd say 10-12%, I haven't had it measured in a while so I don't know what it really is, I pretty much go by how I look in the mirror. Thanks for the compliment though, seriously, I'm still a long way from pro status, but hey it's a start .

- RR
" Go hard or go home !"

"Lightweight baby!"

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 45

Wow. You must be pretty close then to benching 2x bodyweight?! Excellent job man, excellent.

Be well.


"You still got the tools, but they're different" (Angelo Dundee => Muhammad Ali)

242 lbs.
leaning out a bit

"One guy thinks he can, another guy thinks he can't. Both are right. Which one are you son?" (Nike commercial football coach)

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Posted by: RippedRon
How did I know you'd come strolling through here and bash my puny lifts I was just telling a guy in the gym the other day that my grandmother can lift that much too... anyhow lol, you're a funny guy PC1 !

I'm 5'5 1/2", around 205 fairly low bf, If I had to guess I'd say 10-12%, I haven't had it measured in a while so I don't know what it really is, I pretty much go by how I look in the mirror. Thanks for the compliment though, seriously, I'm still a long way from pro status, but hey it's a start .

5'5 1/2" RippedRon..

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Just getting back after months of infrequency, here goes
Last Week of March:

Deadlift 5 x 415 3 Sets
Standing BB Military Press 10 x 135 4 Sets
Bench 6 x 225 for 3 Sets
Squat 10 x 225 for 3 Sets (taking it extra easy)

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Posted by: skelotar
5'5 1/2" RippedRon..

- RR
" Go hard or go home !"

"Lightweight baby!"

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Posts: 4

Deadlift Monday Morning
Last Set 455 x 3

Bench - 255 x 4 for 3 sets

I'm coming for you Ron

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Deadlift 495 x 5 reps
BB Incline 315 x 5 reps
BB Curl 155 x 5 reps (strict)
BB Row 315 x 5 reps
BB Close Grip Bench 285 x 5 reps
