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Off Season Back Workout - AdelBB and MA92

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mate can you run us thru the 'aggresive stretching' we do aggresive stretching before a game then slow afterwards but i think i know what your getting at but can you let us in please?!?! thanks, Taurus

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taurus This is what I usually do after training back. 1: From a chinning bar hang at a full stretch (narrow grip) and then "shrug" upwards an inch or two to contract the lats. Then drop back into full stretch and repeat over and over (its a bit like doing 20 reps of shrug then stretch. 2: Grab a power rack (or similar) with both hands and stretch the lats as far as you can while bending forward at the waist. Hold for a 20 count. 3: Do a similar stretch to the second one but do it 1 arm at a time. This will help exagerate the stretch and really pul the lower lat insertions. 4: Repeat the first one, hanging from a chinning bar. IMO this really improves the mind-muscle connection and helps "polish off" all the heavy resistance training. Give it a go mate and see what you think. 🙂

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MA92 started me on this stretching technique and i have to recommend it to everyone. Being Sunday it's my day off and I have to say Im pretty pleased about that. This past week which started with that back workout has been very intense.

Mr Oz
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did this back routine on friday, my shirt was absolutely soaked from top to bottom, felt great, will definately be doing it this week as well

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Gave this a try tonight but switched the pulldowns for chins and had an awsome pump through the lats and lower back. Keep em coming Mraust.

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