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morons at the gym!!

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Hey testiculas, I use the 'ultimate pussy tool' (manta ray for squats). You saying I'm a pussy bro???

Rebel Juice
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Originally posted by cisco HAHA. I know what you mean, I've seen that shit before. Now I can't stop laughing cause I can't get that picture out of my head.LOL 😀 this is hilarious 😀

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I hate the skinny little fuckers that walk around with their thin ass arms way out like they have a big fucking back. Lat syndrome motherfuckers!!!=fu =fu =fu

Rebel Juice
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Originally posted by jme that's pretty funny shit. i love it when these skinny s tell you how to work out. i just want to say, "are you blind? look at you think i got this way working out the way you do?" and when they ask how to get big just say EAS creatine got me this big. that bill phillips is a god...butplug!=fu God damn it! You made it again! Whenever I hear or see Bill Philips my body goes into unvoluntary convulsive vomiting.

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"Lat syndrome motherfuckers!!!" - LMAO hahahahaa i call it Robocop Syndrome.=fu hahahaha

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I am nowhere near what your guys would consider big (6'2", 180lbs), but I understand everything that you are talking about. There are only about 4 really serious BB's in my gym who compete and they are always offering me advice. I appreciate it greatly. It is more to do with form than the exercises I'm doing. These guys are great. I guess having exposure to this and other forums and post like these, that you learn where people are coming from. We have one guy at our gym who is skinny as, I mean really skinny. Steve Erkle skinny! He comes in, does his weights high reps and all. I swear he's getting more ripped and skinnier every day. He obviously doesn't eat or get any protein and trains for everthing but size. You can see he wants to get big, but you can just tell he wouldn't appreciate the advice like I do. I must admit, I'm going to get smacked in the chops one day. I can help but laugh at people who actively and openly pose in the mirrors while you are trying to workout. They aren't beautiful people, they are pro's, they aren't even in competition. Damn, that's why our gym has full-length mirrors in the change rooms! Blonski

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I just get a kick outta seeing all the dudes that think they are big and all pumped up, but in reality don't amount to shit at all. There is this one guy at my gym who walks around with his lats all puffed up like he is a fucking gorilla, he looks like the biggest jackass! But i especially love the kids (16-18 yrs) that come in and act like they own the fucking place. I was stretching out one day before my workout and i spotted these two kids on the squat rack and they were using one of those shoudler harnesses to keep good posture. So this one kid puts a couple 45's on each side and is really struggling to get 3 good reps. So after his buddy takes his turn the kid starts jumping around and making noise trying to get himself all fired up and he then puts 2 more 45's on each side making his total poundage somewhere around 415. I am just standing there with a couple guys and we're all checking this kid out and as soon as he clears the weight off the pegs he falls straight back and onto the saftey bars that were set really low in the squat rack! Luckily he just got banged up a little but i along with several others in the gym nerely pissed our fuckin pants!!! Damn kids! LOL Way2Buff

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Originally posted by bull35 Hey testiculas, I use the 'ultimate pussy tool' (manta ray for squats). You saying I'm a pussy bro??? I use it also bro...:D

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Originally posted by palboE "Lat syndrome motherfuckers!!!" - LMAO hahahahaa i call it Robocop Syndrome.=fu hahahaha These are the worst! I'm usually a pretty nice guy, but I'll admit I have been known to ask these guys to "please put the imaginary suitcases down". Robocop Syndrome.... I'll have to remember that one!

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This just pisses me off. It just does. There is a trainer at my gym named Joel Klien. He was Mr. LA in 1994, but since his body looks as if its turned to shit. He wear a sweatshit, genie pants, and a fanny pack everyday. Anyway, EVERYONE loves him. There is always like five people around him. He's a nice guy but, damn. Its so funny to see "his group." Its like five or six guys who probably have been training for a couple of years. Its funny cause they all have the same "clean cut" look. They're not that big though. Anyway after EVERY exercise they ask Joel what to do next. The friggin worship the man. They are all his little bitches. I really don't see what's so great about Joel Klien. Its pretty funny actually.

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I was at the gym tonight, and these two kids come in. I have been at this gym for a good time now, and I have never seen these two guys before. Right off the bat I knew they were ignorant f@#s. You know the kind of guys that are skinny as hell, and just got out of the mall in their brand new lifting gear. Waltz'n in like they own the place, and go right to the dumbells. Low weight, high form. Thats not so bad, I had to learn good form too when I started. But when they started giggling and acting like little Bitches, I just wanted to punch their lights out! All they did in the hour they were at the gym was a few reps on the dumbells, and 1 rep on the bench! The rest of the time, they were giggling and goofing off. Get the F@%K out of the gym, and go to the club! Sorry bro's Just something that bothers me... Later... Oneloop

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Originally posted by GeneticFreak360 I just get a kick outta seeing all the dudes that think they are big and all pumped up, but in reality don't amount to shit at all. There is this one guy at my gym who walks around with his lats all puffed up like he is a fucking gorilla, he looks like the biggest jackass! But i especially love the kids (16-18 yrs) that come in and act like they own the fucking place. I was stretching out one day before my workout and i spotted these two kids on the squat rack and they were using one of those shoudler harnesses to keep good posture. So this one kid puts a couple 45's on each side and is really struggling to get 3 good reps. So after his buddy takes his turn the kid starts jumping around and making noise trying to get himself all fired up and he then puts 2 more 45's on each side making his total poundage somewhere around 415. I am just standing there with a couple guys and we're all checking this kid out and as soon as he clears the weight off the pegs he falls straight back and onto the saftey bars that were set really low in the squat rack! Luckily he just got banged up a little but i along with several others in the gym nerely pissed our fuckin pants!!! Damn kids! LOL Way2Buff LOL!! that is funny shit. btw, that same dude i was talking about when i started this post...the one who told me that i needed to work chest three times a week...well, he was working chest again last night. dumn ass!! THAT IS WHY YOU DON'T GROW...IT'S CALLED OVERTRAINING!!!!

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