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Mass building when strength training?

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When doing a strength program should you see much mass growth or do you mainly see more growth in higher rep programs? I was just wondering because I recently started a strength program and it feels like my muscles aren't as hard and full as they were on higher reps. I am however getting stonger which is good and after this month of strenght training I am going back to higher reps I was just wondering if there is a difference. What are yer thoughts?

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Maybe you might want to post your strength training routine, so we'll be able to give you a better opinion.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Ok the first week I do

3 sets of 5 and then 3 sets of 3 then a backoff set of 8 - 10

2nd week

5 sets of 5 with a back off set of 8 - 10

3rd week

3 sets of 5 then 3 sets of 2 then the backoff set

4th week

5 sets of 5 with a back off set

5th week

3 sets of 5 then 3 singles then the back off set.

I do 2 excercise per body part all compound excercises.

Ive only done 1 week of the routine so far what do you think?

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You will have to "try it before you buy it!" 5x5 could work great for you. when i am going for mass i usually shoot for 3x6 heavy as shit or 4x5 same weight. i used 5x5 but didnt see the same results as i get from the others. What you are doing is good only if it works for you. If you notice your weight used going up regularly then stick with it till it stalls then change it up. you have to be a "lab rat" when working out.


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Posted by: Twindragon
Ok the first week I do

3 sets of 5 and then 3 sets of 3 then a backoff set of 8 - 10

2nd week

5 sets of 5 with a back off set of 8 - 10

3rd week

3 sets of 5 then 3 sets of 2 then the backoff set

4th week

5 sets of 5 with a back off set

5th week

3 sets of 5 then 3 singles then the back off set.

I do 2 excercise per body part all compound excercises.

Ive only done 1 week of the routine so far what do you think?

IMO, you need about 4 weeks to see if you are getting the adaptation you want. Also, I wonder: (1) how long is your rest interval between sets, (2) your daily protein intake (in my opinion it has to be higher than normal) and (3) if you are on cycle.

If that does not works for you, maybe you might want to do some MIXED TRAINING (e.g. on monday (chest day 1) you maybe do a strength routine and on thursday (chest day 2) you do a hypertrophy routine, and so on for the other major muscle groups).

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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1.) I don't really count my rest but I would say about 2 minutes perhaps...

2.) I am not sure how much protein I get in exactly I do know that I eat about 6 meals a day. 2 of which are nitrotech shakes with skim milk. the shakes are 40 grams of protein each. If I feel I need more food I eat a peanut butter sandwich in between meals.

3.)no cycle

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Posted by: Twindragon
1.) I don't really count my rest but I would say about 2 minutes perhaps...

I would rest 3 to 5 (best choice) minutes, and go heavier with a spotter (training partner) around, of course.

Posted by: Twindragon
2.) I am not sure how much protein I get in exactly I do know that I eat about 6 meals a day. 2 of which are nitrotech shakes with skim milk. the shakes are 40 grams of protein each. If I feel I need more food I eat a peanut butter sandwich in between meals.

So it seems that's your regular intake, if so maybe you need more.

Posted by: Twindragon
3.)no cycle


"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Also, you need to remember that in a strength oriented routine what you're essentially doing is increasing the neural efficiency of your body to lift heavier weights. Typically, one notices an overall increase in strength FOLLOWED by an increase in muscular bodyweight.

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In my personal experience hypertrophy has more to do with the total rep volume I use than the reprange. If I do a lot of reps a week for a bodypart (100-150 reps/week) I seem to stimulate hypertrophy even with low reps. So for example, for me 10x3 can stimulate hypertrophy at least as good as 3x10.

Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max (Jim Conroy, Olympic weightlifting coach)

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Posted by: MarcusW
In my personal experience hypertrophy has more to do with the total rep volume I use than the reprange. If I do a lot of reps a week for a bodypart (100-150 reps/week) I seem to stimulate hypertrophy even with low reps. So for example, for me 10x3 can stimulate hypertrophy at least as good as 3x10.

Yes, workload obviously matters in any training program...I was speaking more generally about increased strength usually leading to hypertrophy...eventually. You can increase neural efficiency but sooner or later you need to have an increase in cross sectional fiber size to continue getting stronger in ANY rep range, correct?

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I was speaking more generally about increased strength usually leading to hypertrophy...eventually.

Wasn't reacting to your statements, but those of topicstarter in first post
But yes, agree with what you said.

Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max (Jim Conroy, Olympic weightlifting coach)

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Posted by: MarcusW
In my personal experience hypertrophy has more to do with the total rep volume I use than the reprange. If I do a lot of reps a week for a bodypart (100-150 reps/week) I seem to stimulate hypertrophy even with low reps. So for example, for me 10x3 can stimulate hypertrophy at least as good as 3x10.

Well put!

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Thanks for the replies guys. This info is helping

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Posted by: MarcusW
In my personal experience hypertrophy has more to do with the total rep volume I use than the reprange. If I do a lot of reps a week for a bodypart (100-150 reps/week) I seem to stimulate hypertrophy even with low reps. So for example, for me 10x3 can stimulate hypertrophy at least as good as 3x10.

Just wondering which one you think works best for you?

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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