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Jerks/Idiots & Morons at my gym

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Quiet E I posted a pic on here of it a while back. Fox you are dead on. I hate it when I get Oh I had big legs but they just got in the way. WHAT, and its always from this geeky dweeb. I still cannot grasp what hes trying to accomplish by bullshitting me. I was with this BB at my gym and these kids come up and ask his bench, and stare in awe of him. He wont tell em, he doesnt wanna tell him. Im just laughing there at his situation and finally he says ask him his bench hes the strong one. Now mind you this BB has Big guns/delts but thats about it. He cant even bench 405 with ease lol, and hes 270+. But he sure looks like he can, they were even dissapointed when they found out the guy they were gasping at wasnt even the strongest guy in the conversation!!! Onto more shit I hate, when I meet someone for the first time and they are all jazzed about my strenght n size. I have to tell em every lil thing and it will not matter the next time i see these dolts. What can you do on this or that, OMG just ask some silly shit and talk about college football for god sakes. And flex your traps, WHAT this isnt a stage and I really hate having , any amount of people critique me when they have the mind of the avg joe or worse!!! And finally I hate the look in 99% of the guys eyes when I ask for a spot. Its like I just shit in a flamin bag and threw it on their mom! Then im like do I really want this guy spotting me. Its like when your trying to score on a date and shes kinda puttin out but not all the way. JUST FUCKIN DO IT...SPOT ME no tears, and if you fuck it up really bad I will let you know in no uncertain terms how much you sucked...LOL Now not being able to find a spot is a good problem to have, but for all of you who dont. Try it sometime!!!

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Originally posted by Valkyl Tell them u think they are cute and ask them if theyd like to go for a drink later, because uve never seen such beautiful eyes on anyone before. Then grab thier ass and smile. They wont EVER talk to u again. Who knows? That might just backfire. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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Originally posted by StrongerThanAll Quiet E I posted a pic on here of it a while back. Fox you are dead on. I hate it when I get Oh I had big legs but they just got in the way. WHAT, and its always from this geeky dweeb. I still cannot grasp what hes trying to accomplish by bullshitting me. I was with this BB at my gym and these kids come up and ask his bench, and stare in awe of him. He wont tell em, he doesnt wanna tell him. Im just laughing there at his situation and finally he says ask him his bench hes the strong one. Now mind you this BB has Big guns/delts but thats about it. He cant even bench 405 with ease lol, and hes 270+. But he sure looks like he can, they were even dissapointed when they found out the guy they were gasping at wasnt even the strongest guy in the conversation!!! Onto more shit I hate, when I meet someone for the first time and they are all jazzed about my strenght n size. I have to tell em every lil thing and it will not matter the next time i see these dolts. What can you do on this or that, OMG just ask some silly shit and talk about college football for god sakes. And flex your traps, WHAT this isnt a stage and I really hate having , any amount of people critique me when they have the mind of the avg joe or worse!!! And finally I hate the look in 99% of the guys eyes when I ask for a spot. Its like I just shit in a flamin bag and threw it on their mom! Then im like do I really want this guy spotting me. Its like when your trying to score on a date and shes kinda puttin out but not all the way. JUST FUCKIN DO IT...SPOT ME no tears, and if you fuck it up really bad I will let you know in no uncertain terms how much you sucked...LOL Now not being able to find a spot is a good problem to have, but for all of you who dont. Try it sometime!!! A decent spot is so hard to find these days!!! Provided I can find a spotter who speaks English, they see the weight your using and start to...I dunno...PANIC or blow things way out of proportion. When I bench heavy all I ask for is a decent lift-off, and then ensuring that I re-rack the weight without incident....nothing more. I ask for a lift-off: Please give me a slight and smooth lift off at the count of 3...!! What do they do? They think since its a heavy weight, they must try to hang clean the fucking bar off the racks!!! And always a couple seconds early or late!! 1....2..WOAH! or 1...2...3.....(4,5,6???)....................(lift off):flame: Then when they try to hang clean the bar off the racks you have 4-500 pounds up in the air at greater than arms length that you must waste energy trying to set up with and hopefully not injure yourself!!! Its unfortunate but I think I may have to HIRE a legit spotter to be there on heavy bench days! FOX

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LOL VALKYL...ballsy I dea, but it would definitely be effective,,unless they are on the sweet side of course..then it may backfire!!!! HA HA HA HA But I seem to notice the ones that tend to me Mr. Personal trainer for everybody but themselves....usually have some chick with them and they are trying to impress her by looking like "mr fitnessknoweverything"... If some jacked ass behemoth came and told me something, I would listen..but when it's some soft ass yuppie then I literally laugh in their face and give them a once over glance for effect and walk off shaking my haed and laughing to myself... It usually humiliates them enought to be of luck! LOL

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Next time that lame asshole at my gym comes up to me suggesting I do something like a "Pervis Press"... I am going to walk up to him...and shove him flat on his ass... Stand over him and say...."That was a one-rep pussy press" ๐Ÿ™‚ FOX

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Martin_Ramone, I think it would speak volumes about your level of class by not saying or doing anything. Say something like "Thanks for your concern.", work out like nothing happened, and don't get pissed off about it.

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Originally posted by martin_ramone There's this 2 guys at my gym who are always more worry about how others lift than their workout. Everytime some up pick up a dumbell or a bar, the go strait to the guy (including me) and start talking about how bad they do the exercise, how it have to be done bla bla. I don't know how these guys have the balls to tell someone bigger, thicker (in a better shape) than they, how to lift. Just to know how you deal with this kind of people at your gym... they drives me nuts... some day i'll drop a dumbell on their foot (you know by accident) When somebody pulverizes their ass for it they'll stop. I had this young kid full of zits no muscle and a string tank do a pose and scream looking at me..." yeah you want some of this!!! argggh!' I was in a pissed mood and walked up to him and said "YES? interupt my workout again and I'll beat you so bad they'll have to come identify you!!" I can't EVER remember being that stoopid even at my smallest. ASSWIPES=fu

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Straying off this topic a little bit, I would never go up to an experienced bb and tell him that his technique is wrong, but I've approached newbies a couple of times to offer unsolicited advice. One of these was a guy I had got to know casually through the gym and he had the most appalling technique I had ever seen. His weights were too heavy and all his movements were so jerky that he never isolated the muscles he was meant to be working and he also ran the risk of injury. A lot of the other guys in the gym would talk and laugh about his style, but no one ever suggested to him that he did things differently. I'm not the sort of fellow who likes to tell people what to do, but as I felt I had got to know him well enough, I approached him one day and told him that he would get better results with lighter weights and better techique. He actually appreciated my advice, fortunately, and asked me to go through some of the exercises with him. I think, however, that it should be up to gym employees to point out glaringly bad techniques.

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I've seen/heard the advice some of the trainers/floor walkers in my gym give out.. you'd be better off with a good book..

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I have found that flatulance (gas passing) is a great way to deter conversation in the weightroom. Undigested protein, released as methane, keeps the 'droids away. Put on the sunglasses, crank up the headsets and rip a few whenever anyone gets within 10 feet. No, I'm not kidding.

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Originally posted by Neverbig Enuf I have found that flatulance (gas passing) is a great way to deter conversation in the weightroom. Undigested protein, released as methane, keeps the 'droids away. Put on the sunglasses, crank up the headsets and rip a few whenever anyone gets within 10 feet. No, I'm not kidding. Thats F*ck*ing must smell like S***:biglaugh: :biglaugh: Just kiddin bro:D

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Originally posted by ironman_845 I've seen/heard the advice some of the trainers/floor walkers in my gym give out.. you'd be better off with a good book.. ๐Ÿ˜€ :biglaugh: ๐Ÿ˜€ :biglaugh: :p :p

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Originally posted by kiwifruit I think, however, that it should be up to gym employees to point out glaringly bad techniques. Its rare to find a gym employee who knows any-fucking-thing about training at all. Most of them work there to check out the hot-chicks that they hope to score with, by impressing them with thier t-shirts that say "training staff". 99% are posers and prepies...

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I love the idea of farting for protection but given how much I eat, I'm worried I would take a big dump there on the floor if I tried that one. I suggest the following. Next time these ballsacks come up to you tell them, calmly and politely, "Please go away, I'm concentrating." and look away. If they say anything to continue the conversation say, "Sorry, I'm busy." Do not respond, do not make conversation, do not send mixed messages that you want to engage in an interaction of any kind with that person -- especially a negative one such as by glaring or staring at them -- that usually just encourages these nipplequeens. I used this technique a few times, only once did it not work. There was this one antipussy cockerspanielfucker that repeatedly wanted to engage in stupid conversation, despite four times of the above. One day the guy patted me on the back, during a standing behind the neck press. I finally gave up, quit the workout for the day, contacted the gym manager and had them pull him from his workout. I then confronted him, with the staff present, (this is very important -- you need witnesses that represent that gym if you confront a member) and just asked him flat out "What the do you want from me? I'm a married man, I asked you repeatedly, over a full year now, to leave me alone, what is the problem" The guy then told the staff that he was "miffed by the way I kept blowing him off" The staff laughed and figured out pretty quick that this flamer had a thing for me so they just told him that next time he would lose his membership. Never happened with any other member ever again. Been working out for ten years, across the country, five days a week consistently and never ran into another prick like this. It helps now though that I always wear my headphones and pretend to not be able to hear anything from others unless they are asking for a spot or to work in, then I give up the act and do the right thing. I also work out at 4am rather than 3pm now, it helps to keep away from ricky-the-jacked-retard and friends. At 4am no one wants to talk to no one, and thats just the way I like it. When I'm working out I stay serious. If I've got enough air to speak then I'm late for my next set.

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Originally posted by massivegmax [B]I had this young kid full of zits no muscle and a string tank do a pose and scream looking at me..." yeah you want some of this!!! argggh!' OMG that is so fucking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! I have found in my gym, as soon as you make eye contact with are finished. The person will come straight over and start blabbing.

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