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Injuries Suck!!!

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so i just got over a bit of tendinitis in my left arm about a week ago and today at the gym while doing my first heavy set of bent over rows on the 5th rep i felt like someone stabbed me in the lower right trap. stopped the set immediately and tried to stretch out the area with no success. it didnt hurt to stretch but it didnt improve it at all. didnt hurt to take deep breaths but when i coughed it came back again. tried to do supported t-bar rows and couldnt get past 4 reps with just 1 plate. terrible. timing sucks too. mass quantities of ibuprofen and tiger balm, here i come.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.....And like that, POOF! He's gone."

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That's too bad -- I hate to hear about injuries. Tendons seem to be common injuries when musclature is high/ very strong. I wish I could offer more than sympathy to help in your recovery.

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get a theracane

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ive taken the last week off and its getting better. ive got back scheduled for tomorrow but i think im just gonna skip it and try chest on saturday. hopefully its better by then. went through a whole thing of tiger balm this week. people at work could smell me before they saw me.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.....And like that, POOF! He's gone."

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A home remedy for tendinitis is ice and pain relievers which will help with the pain in the short term. How to treat tendinitis on the longer term goal is to increase the arm strength. If you are experiencing a lot of swelling and pain, you may want to try a anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the swelling. Once you have the swelling going down the pain is sure to follow.
