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I Almost Killed Somebody At The Gym The Other Day

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Quiet E.
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im a lucky one who has the type of training partner who will only spot u if the weight is not coming up...he yells "if u dont lift that shit off ur chest im leaving it there"...and i spot him by saying things like "if u dont bring it up im dropping that shit"...i think it drives us a lil more...some ppl dont know how to spot no matter how many times u explain it to them...bad luck i guess...my suggestion to scarecrow is, dont max out or anything like that unless ur being spotted by someone you trust and trusts you back... Quiet E.

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dude the guy thinks hes helping you and you get pissed,get a grip and yea lay off the tren

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sorry but if your going to ask a stranger its your own fault. maybe the guy thought you would get mad if he didn't help and he thought he wasn't strong enough to pull the bar up if it started falling on you. assume he had good intentions and you might get farther in life with people.

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scarecrow,,i think the point everyone is trying to make,,is simply that you overreacted...Thats it...Who knows,,maybe the look on your face told the guy you werent getting it...Shit,,maybe you werent... Point being,,he helped you out,,perhaps not to 100% of you taste,,but too bad....Alls i know,,if i spotted you and you threw a tantrum,,next time you were struggling on a rep,,id walk by and kick you in the nuts......:biglaugh:

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I have had the same problem the last few weeks since going to the gym on my own. I go for 5 or 6 reps and only want help when I actually fail - but I struggle on the 4th rep and the punks start lifting it. Then they say that was all you man good work. Then I say you helped me on the last 2 reps and they say just a bit man, you did most yourself. And I have no phuckign clue if I have progressed since a few weeks ago since Im not sure what I can lift to failure. another thing Im doing tricep extensions and I struggle with thelast rep and its going up real slowly and I get it up then the guy grabs the bar. Im saying - "leave it" because obviously I want to lower the weight. What a phcukwad. Now when I ask for a spot I have to spend ages specifying exactly what I want and even then I might not get it. Some guys are cool, and what goes around comes around - if you listen to folks they will listen to you. Best to train with a partner, but nobody can fit in with my timetable. I think part of the problem in my gym is because it is THE DONE THING by about1 in 5 guys to load up massive weights (for them) and have some guy spot them - who actually lifts half the weight. I saw this guy lifting 200lbs behind the neck presses on his own with a spot on the last 2 reps. Thats cool and a great weight. Then his buddy who should probably be working out with 100lbs starts lifting it. Not only could he only get 3 reps, but his mate lifted about half of it. What a looser. Its so unstandardised. people should lift what they can until failure THEN the option of a rep or two forced. Then you can see how you are progressing and keep everything uniform. But you could have one guy lift 50lbs for you then the next week he lifts about 60lbs of it so you think - wow I got an extra rep. NO YOU DIPSHIT YOU DIDNT YOUR BRO LIFTED MORE FOR YOU THIS WEEK. This other guy who has been working out for like a month was benching 220lbs...........well, I will rephrase that, his spot was deadlifting 220lbs, while the bencher was under the bar. know what I meen??? =pissed: =pissed: =pissed:

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Maybe you could try doing your benching inside the power-rack with the supports set at chest level. That's what I do and if I fail, the weight falls harmlessly onto the supports instead of onto my throat.

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Originally posted by 250ByXmas Since I workout in Malaysia, and NOBODY knows how to spot, I train every person I ask for a spot, no matter how many times they've spotted for me before. The conversation goes something like this: 250: So, I don't want you touching the bar. You're only here to stop me from dying. Spotter: Ok. No problem. 250: Let me make this absolutely clear. Unless the word "spot" comes out of my mouth, don't touch the bar. Spotter: Sure. 250: So what are you going to do if the bar is pressing down on me, I'm barely breathing, and I'm starting to turn purple? Spotter: I'll take the bar. 250 (glaring): No. You're going to laugh at me and wait for me to say "spot". Clear? Spotter (looking nervous): Maybe you should get someone else... I agree that there is nothing more frustrating than fighting with a maximal weight and having someone jump in to "help" you. Unfortunately, my gym is filled with people who "load up the bar" to 135 for bench, and then have their friends do upright rows while they go through the motions of benching. What makes me even crazier is that this type of "training" is endorsed by the gym trainers. Although this is not a surprise, since the main criteria for being a trainer at my gym seems to be "Do you own a blue t-shirt?" Man that is to funny bro. I told a spot dont lift it unless I say spot. Next minute I know the punk grabs the bar and says good set man.

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I have had the same problem the last few weeks since going to the gym on my own. I go for 5 or 6 reps and only want help when I actually fail - but I struggle on the 4th rep and the punks start lifting it. Then they say that was all you man good work. Then I say you helped me on the last 2 reps and they say just a bit man, you did most yourself. And I have no phuckign clue if I have progressed since a few weeks ago since Im not sure what I can lift to failure. another thing Im doing tricep extensions and I struggle with thelast rep and its going up real slowly and I get it up then the guy grabs the bar. Im saying - "leave it" because obviously I want to lower the weight. What a phcukwad. Now when I ask for a spot I have to spend ages specifying exactly what I want and even then I might not get it. Some guys are cool, and what goes around comes around - if you listen to folks they will listen to you. Best to train with a partner, but nobody can fit in with my timetable. I think part of the problem in my gym is because it is THE DONE THING by about1 in 5 guys to load up massive weights (for them) and have some guy spot them - who actually lifts half the weight. I saw this guy lifting 200lbs behind the neck presses on his own with a spot on the last 2 reps. Thats cool and a great weight. Then his buddy who should probably be working out with 100lbs starts lifting it. Not only could he only get 3 reps, but his mate lifted about half of it. What a looser. Its so unstandardised. people should lift what they can until failure THEN the option of a rep or two forced. Then you can see how you are progressing and keep everything uniform. But you could have one guy lift 50lbs for you then the next week he lifts about 60lbs of it so you think - wow I got an extra rep. NO YOU DIPSHIT YOU DIDNT YOUR BRO LIFTED MORE FOR YOU THIS WEEK. This other guy who has been working out for like a month was benching 220lbs...........well, I will rephrase that, his spot was deadlifting 220lbs, while the bencher was under the bar. know what I meen??? =pissed: =pissed: =pissed:

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Maybe you could try doing your benching inside the power-rack with the supports set at chest level. That's what I do and if I fail, the weight falls harmlessly onto the supports instead of onto my throat.

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LOL Kapn strikes again!!! Kapn is the coolest asshole on the board LOL "Y" taper...classic. FOX

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Originally posted by RacerXHGH I usually wait until my training partner is locked on the upward motion and the veins in his neck are bulging, he's got a horrible grimmace on his face, that's when I usually start yelling "Cmon you pussy, you can do it! One more!" and if he can't pull out of it, I'll then put just a couple of fingers under the bar to give him just enough weight off (usually 5 to 10lbs makes a dif) and make him do the work. 😀 ditto

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EZstreet thats funny!

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pinz post was right on target. ok. you helped him first and thats all good but the bottom line is you left so you wouldn't hurt someone huh. well maybe you were the one that was gonna get hurt. some of US juicers have this attitude like they are gonna kick some ass whenever things don't go our way when most can't fight their way out a paper bag. you bros know i NEVER get into pissing contest but this bro is an idiot. chanel that anger into your training and maybe you can take your physique to the next level.

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I am amazed that this has managed to get the number of replies that it has. Someone has offered to help, you accepted it and then went nuts because it was not done your way....get a training partner...or maybe you reacting like this is the reason that you dont have one! Perhaps the best thing to do is return the favour to him and show him calmly the best way to spot.....how else is he going to learn?

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organdonor, hey bro, I never said I was gonna hurt him..I just said I left so I wouldn't fight cause I was pissed. I knew he didn't mean to, but I was still mad, no matter why..I guess slightly frustrated. I am not the type to talk all tough and all that. And I hate fighting to be honest...but I really was pissed and was afraid I would do soemthing silly if I stayed there any longer..you know? Besides, why fight when you can just use a baseball bat? ha ha Just fuckin around.

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