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I Almost Killed Somebody At The Gym The Other Day

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Originally posted by scarecrow999 hey bros... I was so fucking pissed I was almost hallucinating...so I left the gym for about 20 minutes and came back after he left so I wouldn't fight him. Maybe I went a little overboard, but I was so mad...I told him NOT to touch the bar unless the weight actually started to fall...but he did anyways...... And I am a pretty calm guy 99.9% of the time... but I guess I just have my triggers.....is that off the handle, or does anyone else here feel the same way about the subject? Honestly bro, you need to get ahold of yourself. From the sounds of it, this dude was minding his own business until you came along and asked him for a spot. He has no obligation whatsoever to spot you, but did it anyhow. He probably unknowingly gave too much support on the spot, but thought that's what you wanted. I find it highly amusing that you had to leave the gym for 20 minutes and cool down for such a petty reason. Take a valium and get a grip.

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I have seen this happen before. The reason he did what he did is probably because he was afraid he couldn't lift the weight if you completely failed. Not his fault if he is not a workout partner, or at the very least, has spotted for you before. I put the blame 100% on you!

Just a Pilgrim
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This happened to me a few months ago. I did 8 reps on close-grip bench and thought i could get 10, which was great because going into the set i thought 8 would be plenty. Rested for 1/2 a second on the eighth and the fucker grabs it and throws my momentum completely off. I just got the one more, and barely, wasted all my energy with the loss and regain of the control of the weight. Which is why i explain to anyone spotting me exactly what i want and only come in if i say so. Easy to say don't just pick anyone at random, but i don't have a training partner every day of the week and i would rather have someone watching me when there's a chance of hurting myself if i fail.

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just teach the dumb ass bastard...he'll learn

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Youhve to find someone who KNOWS how to spot. These people piss me off too! The only alternative is max out on d'bells or smith machine.

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lay off the tren, eh?

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exactly, you have to tell most people exactly what you want from a spot, where to spot, how much push to give, etc at the same time it sucks if they wont give you enough of a push, you know you're stuck dying under the bar with no push left and theyre still yelling "you've got it! its all you!!!" hahaha but really, the guy probably just was trying to help, no need to kill him

21inch calves
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yeah what do you expect when you just ask a random person to spot you in the gym.

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Originally posted by doublebicep I have seen this happen before. The reason he did what he did is probably because he was afraid he couldn't lift the weight if you completely failed. Not his fault if he is not a workout partner, or at the very least, has spotted for you before. I put the blame 100% on you! I agree with you on this. You do to tell them thoroughly each and every time too. Same when I spot "What exactly do you want?" I've also been a bad spotter but the other way: Ex: Some hot tail walks by and I'm mezmorized :wanker: ...next thing I know I look back down at a terrified fucker I have to pull the weight completely off of going negative. :devil: Nothing worse than explaing why you fucked their lift as you explain the hot bitch you were checking out being the reason(knowing a guy could relate & forgive you for that one) only to find out she's the guys wife/girlfriend. :uhoh:

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Hey bros, Okay let me clarify for AWOLF and all the other fuckin Mr. Rogers' out there... I had already spotted him first...THE RIGHT WAY. Then I asked him to spot me since were both both coincidentally doing chest that day. So, I had helped a complete stranger too that day, before I asked him to help me...gee I feel all warm and fuzzy inside, do I get a cookie guys? Most of the bros here know what I am talking about...I wasn't just being some asshole.. But damn EZ street..that was funny as fuck! ha ha ha

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Originally posted by Satan i agree with the chicken fucking, white rapper on this one. Translation?

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Originally posted by Valkyl Translation? he was refering to me... long story! 😀

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i had a guy at the gym just today.... big upper body(but big barreled in a natural way), mid 40's doof in a tight sweatshirt and super tight tapered sweatpants... this guy was telling me how to workout, he kept telling me i should not be doing rowing for back i should be doing super wide grip pulldowns as it will improove my v-taper....so i tell him i dont like wide grip and he tells me i will never have a good v-taper... well this guy looked like a big letter "Y" so i asked him how he got his "Y" taper... he looks at me and askes what a "Y" taper is....so i say thats when you have a really wide and fat upper body and sticks for legs..... then i walked away...and he went and sat down on a bench on the other side of the gym lookin all mopey and sad and did NOTHING for the next 30min but sit there.. i never get mad at these people and rarely am concerned with something someone else is doing unless it happens to amuse me. i am one of the most unapproachable people you will ever meet but some people are just not paying attention to ANYTHING EVER....dont get yourself mad over these guys look at them like gym jesters...

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haha Y taper, LOL. Anyways, I also hate it when you explain to people how to spot you and then they fuck it up. My last set I was going for four, and on my first rep I usually struggle a little bit on heavy weight, so the guy decided to just jump in and lift it up. I told him "Don't lift the bar unless I ask ok?" Yet he felt like he had to do upright rows. Redicilous.

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woops don't know how this sgot here LOL

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