hydrostatic underwa...
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hydrostatic underwater weighing

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i just got tested with this technique in my applied nutrition class. my question is...would a cheat day the day before significantly affect my bodyfat from this test, since im more bloated today and holding more water? (muscle cells are more filled as well=superhydrated). i have my measurements but no calculator since im in the library at college as we speak. water density is .994...residual volume 1.1....weigh 180lbs...height 70", water bodyweight 27.75lbs, residual volume 1 L (i think)...if anyone can calculate my body density id appreciate it (im lazy LOL)...heres the formula... body weight in air/[(body weight in air-body weight in water)/water density] - residual volume+.1=body density then you plus body density into this equation for bodyfat... (4.950/body density-4.500)*100 (siri equation) im in school with no calc and theres hardly anyone in here lol...so if ya can figure this out id appreciate it...ill calculate it at home anyway but im really in interested in what it is...with the skinfold test last week with thigh/abdomen/chest measurements it was 11%..but i think its off because the equation doesnt account for resistant trained individuals..plus it was only three spots to take skinfolds from..so not THAT accurate...

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also i took a protein shake in the morning, 30 mins prior to water dunking(they recommend not eating for 2-3 hrs be4 dunking)...16 ounces for breakfast so that probably affects the actual bodyfat slightly as well as being superhydrated im guessing...anyways...i appreciate any replies on this one...i know hardly anyone that reads this thread is gonna actually do the calc for me anyway lol

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If your holding "water" that's not going to make much of a difference in weight in the "water." A cheat day will probably lower your bf% if anything, since holding water and glycogen will raise your body weight, and give you a lower bf% for the same lbs of fat.
