how long to stick w...
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how long to stick with ......

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a workout routine and rep scheme....... ive never reallay committed myself to 1 routine and stuck with it for a good amoutn of time.... i might follow something for 1-2weeks and then workout with a buddy and that previous routine got al fucked up or ill do different exercsies. I konw its good to shock the body by doing different things but do you think if you never really stick with a good solid routine you wont be able to make some good gains???? and can someone tell me what the purpose of pyramiding up is in a exercise... doesnt make to much sense to me for that fact that i rather do 2good warm up sets 12-15reps..... and when im ready and i have the strength go for top weights and from that first heavy set guide to whether i need to go lower , higher or stay with the same set. Dont you feel that pyramiding up gradually your wasting energy to get to a point that you can sepdn more sets doing..... well get back to me on your opinions thanks guys

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and im trying something new .... ive always been the type to do each body part 1 time per week always have done that but i feel that whatever i do on monday by saturday i could do again for sure im not really sore on friday at all and saturday i think i could go at it hard again.... so i was gonna do a split like this.... Mon- chest tris Tues back bi- wed-off thurs- shoulders traps- fri- legs saturday repeat........ sunday- off......... so its a 2days on 1 off 3days on 1 off so every wed and sunday i will have off.... and each body part gets hit about every 5-6days more like 6 it seems....... get back to me with any feed back

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I think it depends a lot on how long you`ve been training.If you are a beginner, I would advise sticking to the same basic routine for a while.They have so much to learn, as far as form and building up strength goes.If you`ve been training a while, I suggest switching up often.I never do the same workout twice in a row.It also allows you to break free from the same old routine, and use many different exercises that you normally wouldn`t use, because of being shackled to one workout plan.You also would not get bored as quickly, because of this variety.As far as pyramiding goes, it gets you ready for the heavier weights, and stimulates both types of muscle fibers,by allowing you to do higher reps at first, and lowering them as the weights get heavier, thereby stimulating fast, and slow twitch fibers.There is a case for warm-ups, then going right to your work set though.

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thanks for the reply....... had a few things to comment on. Dont you feel that if your doing things different all the time you really dont ever get a feel for whats really working for you? and its pretty much impossible to keep any type of log of your training and weights in a certain exercise if your doing things soo sporadically from week to week........ yes change is good but i would think doing something different every week is just to much but i guess everyone is different..... ive been training for some time and feel that i need to step it up a notch just not sure how or what that means if you konw what im saying..... i need a solid routine but i just wish id stop second guessing myself and just stick to a dam routine lol

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I still bench ,squat,and do all the basic movements as heavy as possible for the amount of reps I`m shooting for.I keep a journal and am gaining in strength steadily.For example,I may do heavy benches one week,then heavy DB inclines the next ,then back to lighter benches and heavy dips,etc..As long as you are breaking down tissue, who cares about what exercises you use.It`s all about progress not order.I`m a bodybuilder anyway not a powerlifter.I go heavy ,but if I don`t bench 600 pounds I don`t care, as strength is not my main goal.Just alternate things every session.I have a good training article on this philosophy on my website.If your`re interested let me know.Good luck!!

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thanks for the reply...... and yea id like to read the article..... and i was wondering if you guys think cardio shoudl be done year round..... ive always been scared of the dam thing to be honest becuase i thought it would hold me back from gaining size but the amount of bodyfat i put on bulking im starting to think i should of done some to kinda of keep myself in check
