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how long have you been lifting

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me i have been lifting since 1979.and i still remember drinking hoffmans protein .man that shit tasted bad . anybody remember hoffmans products and the big thing back was weider amnio packs . lol the old days

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I started lifting if probably 1981 or 82 with a set of cement filled weights from sears or canadian tire, cant remember, I was 10 or 11 at the time, I did it for a month or so every couple of years but never stayed remotely focused. I remember the big craze when I was about 14 was the Amino acids in the big plactic bottles, they where like horse pills LOL. I got seriouse about 4 years ago, maybe 4-1/2 but in the last year my workouts have been stale and not intence at all ๐Ÿ™ I'm trying to change that though. BTW, I'm now 31 but only for 1 more month.

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Working out for 4 and half years... starting weight 115lbs at 5 foot 7. A week ago I was weighing in at 222lbs... until I got sick this week. Going to hit it hard for the 5 year aniversary.

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Originally posted by heyherc I started lifting if probably 1981 or 82 with a set of cement filled weights from sears or canadian tire, cant remember, I was 10 or 11 at the time, I did it for a month or so every couple of years but never stayed remotely focused. I remember the big craze when I was about 14 was the Amino acids in the big plactic bottles, they where like horse pills LOL. I got seriouse about 4 years ago, maybe 4-1/2 but in the last year my workouts have been stale and not intence at all ๐Ÿ™ I'm trying to change that though. BTW, I'm now 31 but only for 1 more month. hehe, that sounds soooo familiar. :p Remember the way the cement would chip off inside the plastic and it would sound like moracca's when you were working out, good times. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Been training for about 12 years. Used all sorts of nasty supps back in the early days. Protein powders that you had to hold your nose while you chugged to avoid puking from the I also remember those horse pill aminos. Damn those were nasty!

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I've been lifting for 8 or 9 years now and never had more then a 2 week break a year. timba

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Started in 84 with the sears cement moraccas. Got lucky with a girlfriend's father in 86 who had a serious weight room in the basement. He threw his back bad and gave me everything. Those were my high school wrestling days and my first cycle (Dbol, Anavar and Deca!). I still have all the solid steel stuff to this day!I couldn't even count how much money I spent on Weider stuff, 5lb dog bags of weight gain! And I remembered the day I thought I would impress my weight training buds and tried to eat raw eggs. GAAAGGGG!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Mammaries!

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I'm about 5 years in... but I did not start until I was 32/33... Been on my ass in front of the TV for the last 8 months.... I'm back in it now! Last thursday was my first leg day in 8 months... I could not move saturday! CadMan

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Been about 13 years for me. Started at age 32 after I cleaned up my act. Started in the basement of a house I was living in with the old cement filled plastic weights too! Progressed form there to a school gym and then the Y and then on to real gyms. Been quite a journey. I didn't juice until I was 42. Whoa! What a lift you get after having low test levels for who knows how long. I had them tested before I ever started and they were just a shade above the bottom of "normal".

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Started when I was 15 im 26 now. I remember when I started I was squating the was heavy.

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I've been training about 6 years. Off and on the first 3, then serious the last 3. Though my training and nutrition could always be better.
