Hit 270lb 1 arm D-b...
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Hit 270lb 1 arm D-bell rows

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Thanks a lot. Currently I am working on getting my incline up there, I know I can bench over 400 now, and squat and dl over 600... my goal in 2 months is to cross 700 on the deadlift. How exactly did you get that insane incline bench? Is there a specific routine? And how long are your arms? Thanks.

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Anytime BS8 When I was a teenager I always worked my front delts very hard, but i never used a routine for it. IM 5'7 and i never measured my arms but you can see em in the pix. I just think my incline is a result of a 440 overhead and a 550 bench. Split the diff and its 500+ incline.

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those are some pretty impressive numbers. I'm curious though, when you do reps with 1000+shrugs or heavy rows etc. do you worry about getting a good stretch/squeeze, or do you just rep as much friggin' weight as you can. I'm asking this because When I train my back heavy, it's a lot funner, but it's a flat as a board. thanks

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With the rows I pause at the bottom and blast them up. Id like to see a guy doing 1 arm rows super slow with 240. The strain on your body's supporting muscles is something else as well. Pecs,abs,tris, all are getting work as well as the back. I FEEL every inch of my lats after a all out set of rows. So Id have to say my form is very good at that. On shrugs I explode up with the weight driveing it to max height. When the weight gets over 1,000 it is more of a do or die thing, then a BB type exercise. No belt, just me and 11 plates per side. About your back id say its probally more your genetics to have a flat back then a BB type back. Some muscles no matter how hard you train wont look like you want em too. Just be happy your strong, becasue alot of guys arent... Stay Strong STA

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How steep of an incline do you use? Like what angle, I keep varying the angle and I want a good "baseline" for comparison, so I can shoot for the 350 incline. thanks.

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I use the standard incline built on most every incline bench 99.9% of the time, and that is 45 degrees. But if I cant and I have to use a adjustable bench I use a 30-45 degree angle. Its something you always have to watch because 1 nocth will make a world of difference. Its rare that I mess with the angle but if im just doing a light day or im deep into my workout I may.IMO use your strongest position that way you will use more muscle fibers, and get stronger faster. And again the standard angle is 45. STAY STRONG BS8 STA

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