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1 arm D-bell Rows 1st set 240-6 reps 2nd set 240-5 reps Now its not 270 but I still felt it big time and Im lookin foward to hittin em for ten. Shrugs Warm ups bar,135 then everyting for 2. 315 585 765 Work set---------1,035*11 All done raw no belt, I like to core work I get from this exercise without a belt. I did use wrist straps. Pulldowns 1set stack-15 wide grip 2nd set stack-15 close grip. This stack isnt all that heavy IMO but I squeezed the shit out of my reps anyways. Now when I got home i noticed red and purple freckles/dots on my shoulders and traps. Like I got sprayed with something. Its under the skin and theres no pain. I have had it happen before as well I was wondering if anyone knows what the hell it is???It happens when I did heavy staic holds 1,200+ and always with shrugs. All I can guess is its has to do with the blood flow to the area. STA

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ruptured boold vessels maybe?

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broken blood vessels.. when you are straining, you might be holding your breathe slightly which builds internal pressure which, inturn, causes the ruptures..

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It's deffinetly broken blood vessels, most heavy lifters get em all the time. But, if you get any ruptured vessels in your eyes where the whites turn red, go and see a doctor, from what I've 'heard' you could go blind.

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Impressive shrug weight, with 1000lbs I think my shoulders would pop out of socket Dave

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I get those specs on my face sometimes. It's just from pressure. BREATHE.

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Thats fuckin....AWESOME I get those on my face sometimes from heavy work. Always wondered what the deal was.... FOX

adam ryan
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yes im another that gets those blood vessels all over my upper face and cheeks , sometimes even inside my eyes, over my shoulders and upper chest! happens on heavy squat days and deadlift days for me occassionally on bench days but rarely! its from holding our breath but fuck what else can we do? !

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Yeh I have had those too, only on my upper chest, you need to breathe better, it stopped mine

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If you're doing 5 or less reps, never breath. Always hold your breath to maintain core pressure and stability!

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Heres the funny thing, I wasnt tryin to hold my breath. I didnt feel like I was and since It looks like i was its news to me lol. I sometimes focus and then after the fact see things that happen. Plus im used to this kind of thing. My back is always badly brusied from the weight it supports on any bench exercise. But i never knew it till 1 night my gf said what the hell happened to your back and I put 2 n 2 toghter. Plus doing heavy squats and parital squats with 1,000lbs. normally leaves the bar imprint on my back. That was a trip, I was hittin 1,000 on a 1/4 squat and I lost sound totally, everything started to turn black and fuzzy. Then as i finished my I had to clap my hands toghter hard as hell to bring myself back into it. Hearing and vison came back in a min. And yes i have a pic lol, this is with me @250bdy wt. as well. To wrap this all up I will quote The boss of the NYY's Steinbrener. Breathing is 2nd to winning. Well to me breathing is 2nd to lifting.

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Looks good man. I get bruises under the skin quite often as well. I'm it can't be anything too When do you do deadlifts? B True

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Now I train all by feel, since i dont compete anymore. Its all instinctive on how my body feels. I hadnt done shrugs in months b4 I did em and posted about it here recently. Its whatever im in the mood for and I'm finding better results this way as well.

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Originally posted by StrongerThanAll Now I train all by feel, since i dont compete anymore. Its all instinctive on how my body feels. I hadnt done shrugs in months b4 I did em and posted about it here recently. Its whatever im in the mood for and I'm finding better results this way as well. I gotcha...I'm too OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) to do that though. I've already typed up every workout through Jan 1 and will soon work on from Jan 1 to February (contest day). If I don't have my workout for Sunday typed up (event day) on Friday night...I'll go nuts and can't sleep all weekend. B True

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CD I was the same EXACT WAY before I stopped competeing in strongman. I understand completely as do you that we are running out of time as athletes, how many years do we have to maximize our prime. I used to plan workouts constantly and mentally review them on what went right and what went wrong. Its the only way to learn how to get better. Had I lived near you we would prolly BOTH still be competeing. I lacked the proper strongman equpiment to train on and someone besides myself to push no matter how hard I drove myself into the ground if I saw someone do better I would've most definately developed more. I just never seemed to find a good SM home. But now I am ABSOLUTELY going into BENCH PRESS meets. I love lifting RAW, and I know I must use a shirt althought I dont like the idea its just part of the game. I will do both raw and shirt meets, but since my workouts are like my raw meets I'm prolly gonna see if I can hit a CRazy # with a good shirt. Thats basically my defintion of strength, its what can you do on any and every given day. Wheter its gameday or monday do you win, its always competitve no matter how much we tell ourselves were just training we all still wanna be Stronger than all someday...

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