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Gyno occurence

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I have gyno since i reached puberty at 11years old. Its kinda embarassing. Its kinda stupid but i was really offended when people say hey maintain those nipples. Im going to be prone to gyno when i start a cycle right? Anyways,can i clear that gyno thru bench pressing or cardio?

Get big and ripped or die trying!!

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No you won't. If you really want to get rid of it you have to remove it surgically, it's cheap down here where I live.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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have you tried Nolvadex treatment?


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 507
Posted by: jboldman
have you tried nolvadex treatment?


That would be my suggestion unless your still a teenager then there is a good chance that it will clear on it's own w/o treatment.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
That would be my suggestion unless your still a teenager then there is a good chance that it will clear on it's own w/o treatment.

Exactly what i was going to say... It usually clears by itself. Depending on the severity you can have lasting effects. Then the surgery would probably be your only bet.


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nolvadex has been the tried and true. There are a few studies showing raloxifene's superiority to tamox, but it doesn't have the same quantity behind it. Also, some of the boards suggest letro@ 2.5mgs daily, but by doing so you can kiss your sex drive good by.

I disagree with some of the guys here on the fact that cardio doesn't work. It does work, but only on the fat accumulated under the nipple area, not the fibrous tissue. Drop your bf, and your chest will tighten up.

I suffer from the same problem, so don't feel alone. And yes, if you cycle you'll will be more prone to gyno.

My biggest piece of advice in regards to a cycle is not to use progestins, unless you are willing to lose out on a cycle. This combo is notorious for causing gyno (simplified: progesterone turns estrogen into super-estrogen). For example, if you used test e along with nandrolone dec., you have to wait at least a couple of weeks for gyno symtpoms to subside. That means no injecting, so no real benefit of being on.

Since I don't recommend orals, either, I'd recommend sticking with test. Gyno is easily controlled with an AI (I recommend arimidex). It's possible that you can run over to 2grams of test solo with 1mg of an adex EOD and not really have problems.

IMO, it's better this way anyway. Orals carry too many sides, and so do most injectables. IMO, test is the safest route one can go when cycle, especially when using moderate doses.

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Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455
Posted by: ready2explode
nolvadex has been the tried and true. There are a few studies showing raloxifene's superiority to tamox, but it doesn't have the same quantity behind it. Also, some of the boards suggest letro @ 2.5mgs daily, but by doing so you can kiss your sex drive good by.

I disagree with some of the guys here on the fact that cardio doesn't work. It does work, but only on the fat accumulated under the nipple area, not the fibrous tissue. Drop your bf, and your chest will tighten up.

I suffer from the same problem, so don't feel alone. And yes, if you cycle you'll will be more prone to gyno.

My biggest piece of advice in regards to a cycle is not to use progestins, unless you are willing to lose out on a cycle. This combo is notorious for causing gyno (simplified: progesterone turns estrogen into super-estrogen). For example, if you used test e along with nandrolone dec., you have to wait at least a couple of weeks for gyno symtpoms to subside. That means no injecting, so no real benefit of being on.

Since I don't recommend orals, either, I'd recommend sticking with test. Gyno is easily controlled with an AI (I recommend arimidex). It's possible that you can run over to 2grams of test solo with 1mg of an adex EOD and not really have problems.

IMO, it's better this way anyway. Orals carry too many sides, and so do most injectables. IMO, test is the safest route one can go when cycle, especially when using moderate doses.


Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
