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feeling weaker and weaker, advice?

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this is my third time around lifting weights. i first began at age 14 and made very good gains within the first year. Now im 23 and recently started lifting again for the third time. im going au naturelle, eat about 5 times a day and lots of protein and carbs plus highpowered b-vitamin supps, 1-2g msm per day, and a strong extract from rhodiola rosea just for clarity of mind. however, since i began lifting about a month ago i now can bench on average 10kg LESS!!! then i did the first lifting session i had this year!:D im NOT overtraining on a regular basis although i think i did at first (had sore muscles for several weeks after first set) ... maybe i did some damage? i dont know, everyone i talk to just cant comprehend it at all. "umm ... thats like ... impossible" is all i get. could it be any of the supps i use? or could it be due to the fact that i smoke alot of weed maybe? ๐Ÿ™‚ please help, im going to dissappear if this goes on!:D

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Well, let me be the first to say "weed can be bad". Overtraining is a condition that comes about later in a training program, not at the beginning. There are a lot of symptoms of overtraining, including strength loss, difficulty sleeping, elevated resting pulse rate, decreased appetite, among many others. Could you post your typical workout schedule? Days lifting, what exercises, number of sets, rep scheme, rest interval, etc... And what is your current height/weight/BF%?

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im 180cm and weight is around 73kg. monday : breast and triceps 3 x 10 benchpress, on the third set i usually lift until failure which usually is about 8-9 reps. 3 x 10 flies or flyes, i try to max this one out as well and i use dumbbells not a machine. 3 x 10 "angled" benchpress which is supposed to work more of the upper breast ive been told. same here i max this one as well. then i do about 3 different excersises for triceps, usually machines. tuesday : biceps and legs 5 x 15 legs, only one excersise because it really hurts the following days if i push them too much. both thighs and calves get it good. 3 x 8 curls (biceps) max out. 3 x 8 machine excersise, max out. 3 x 8 dont know what it is called in english, sorry ๐Ÿ™‚ wednesday rest thursday : back only 4 different medium hard excersises friday : shoulders, forearms, stomach. i dont really know what everything is called in english since im swedish, sorry about that. saturday and sunday is restdays also btw.

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I agree with 250...if you are going to smoke weed then workout with Richard Simmons...however if you want to get serious about lifting, 1. Cut down on your volume. Dont go to failure or you will fry your nervous system. That combined with the weed will make you lift less. 2. I would pick only 2 exercises per body part for a newbie. You can increase it later on but for now you need to learn good form and build up your tendon strength etc. 3. Do legs on a seperate day. 4. Finally, bodybuilders have pecs, not breasts.

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ok, thanks, some good advice there.

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all i can say is that i actually looked my best at the same time i was smoking a lot of pot... i dont think pot had anything to do with it except increasing my appetite and i maintained my discipline as far as eating the "right" shit when i had the muchies.... oh yeah, too much volume...

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Originally posted by petermann monday : breast and triceps I realize that English is not your native language, so my helpful comment of the day would be that you should call Monday your "Chest and Triceps Day". Unless the weed has given you really bad gyno, in which case maybe it really is "breast day"...

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ok, women have breasts and men preferably have a chest or pecs. i get it. thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
