I was eating breakfast the other and I realized that my morning meal is a frontload of calories to get maintain me through the day! I put down close to 1000-1200 calories and then go on maintenance doses of roughly 200-300 calories every other hour. If I were to develop any gyno from this type of cycle, I can increase cardio and decrease the frontload by half.
I can't wait until my last race in september because then I'm going to bring my newfound knowledge of frontloading to the bars...I'm going to frontload 3-4 drinks and then go out to the bars where I will start maintenance doses of 1-2 beers per hours. Any nausea/vomiting will result in immediate cessation of the cycle and I will start PCT of a single oral dose of burrito or pizza.
Haha, feel free to delete or make fun of me or this post...
You need help Bro. M/track
You need help Bro. M/track
I second that comment just because you (T5K) did not have a blond with big b--bs doing the designated driving. But wait, If you have a blond with big b..bs, you shouldn't be spending time in the bars.
Sorry, my mind is not working right...............I may have overdosed on test e this week.