Dieting, Getting Sm...
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Dieting, Getting Smaller

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What are the best aas or other drugs for reducing muscle mass? I know it sound stupid, but after I left bodybuilding and power lifting for 5-6 years ago, I have been able to going down weight approx. 20kg (from 105kg to 83kg). As I started endurance sports my main goal has been reducing weight but I think I reached my limit. To be able to futher go and to be good also in climbs I want to reduce weight to about 75kg. I am 182cm long. As I have been takeing some test and nesp during season and reached good results I put my goal futher up, to win in at least two main races next summer. To reach that, I know I must go down with my weigt even thougt my bodyfat per cent isnt that much now about 9-11%. So the fact is that reducing weight will get me to next level, using small amounts of test and of course the nesp next summer. I allready have a good and healthy diet, avoiding fat etc. And I dont want to do it the hard way like Lance did (chemotherapy)!!! How about DNP, have anybody ever heard? Amfetamins too maybe but it could hook you up on that shit so thats not a good option, isnt it? Trenbolone, primobolan stack? I allready have tryed primo and alone its no good. Ephedrine I also have allready, tolerating it too much allready Any suggestions? And one more thing. I am consuming calories allready with my annual training hours about 600-800. Keep in mind that I am working day time job also Btw. have tried thyroid also but feeling afull during cycle of thyroid. Swetting at night and feeling dizzy etc. Reducing calorie intake is makeing me feel tired and not be able to train as much as needed for keeping my goals in mind.

Catabolism is what I want!!!

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DNP is dangerous for overheating especially while training hard!

Maybe you'll have to diet and train harder or take a brake from dieting and start back after a while

ECA stack works good to


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DNP has killed some losers they lost weight though. ECA was good suggestion, t3 and Albuterol are other options.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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What I am about to propose is very unsafe but it will definitely consume muscle mass (and tendons and other connective tissue): take a lot of corticosteroids. Ugh.

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I would opt to train your ass off even If you're feeling weak, this means you're overtraining and that will lead to decreased muscle mass etc. also.

But I would say how can you have too much muscle mass? If you get your bodyfat% to 6% you'll have lost a lot of weight, muscle mass and fat...


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Posted by: Vegeta86

I would opt to train your ass off even If you're feeling weak, this means you're overtraining and that will lead to decreased muscle mass etc. also.

But I would say how can you have too much muscle mass? If you get your bodyfat% to 6% you'll have lost a lot of weight, muscle mass and fat...


You have a point there. Havin bf now about 9%, weight 83 kg. Reducing bf lets say 3 units to 6% acording to my calculations my weght should be about 79kg, right? That in theory. Of course having a stright diet and training my ass of, losing some muscle mass will also happend. For now I must first go and mesure the exact bf % to see where to start!? My friends keep telling me that I am allready so lean that I dont have nothing to loose body fat from...??? Well, we see about that.

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You must try to keep a bit of your strenght and endurance because if you weigh for example 75kg and you haven't got any endurance...well you ain't going to win races.

Stay Puft
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T3 gets my vote. Severe caloric restriction + high intensity resistance work + T3 will get rid of the muscle.

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What about the rebound with T3?

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9-11% BF is not very lean for a serious endurance athlete. I am up to 6% BF because of long term injury and I feel like a fat slouch. Put that fat away! Diet, train hard, keep it off. If you have serious ambitions, in peak form, you should be down to 3-4% of BF and no more than 7% in the off season. By dieting, you'll lose also unwanted muscles and keep the necessary strength, if you are smart.

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3-4% for an endurance athlete is impossible, it's just not healthy and decreases performance.

Bodybuilders who peak to contest shape have 3%Bf, most endurance athletes (cyclists, long distance runners) have between 5-8%Bf.

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Um, post the study that proves that.

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Posted by: dario
Um, post the study that proves that.

I agree. Those are just averages. The top performers are outsid of those ranges. LA got himself always very thin before Tour. In fact, if you look at the pictures of the top riders at their med-checkout before the Tour, their upper bodies looked like of a 13 yo guy- no fat, no muscle, very thin. Reading the diet diaries of pro riders, you'd think that 90% of them are anorexic in the last 2 months before stage race.
I am a runner and I get down to 3% BF before my major races, and I am only semi-pro. You've got to watch your diet damn close!

Stay Puft
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I browsed a few studies that showed elite athetes having BF% in the ranges of 7-9%. These athletes included, young and old, soccer players and triathletes. I think that 3-4% is a gross overestimation. Most accounts of physical performance at such critically low BF%ages wouldnt be favourable. Note I'm questioning not the importance of maintaining a very lean physique for endurance athletes, but I'm question where the optimal level is. I couldn't ind anything more conclusive in terms of X% yielded the best results. Anyone come across anything like that in the lit?

Only I Can Stop Me.

Aspartame killed my father.. and raped my Mother!

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That's what I meant Stay Puft , thx for clearing that up.
