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Delt Blast

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Delt Blast
I have read things like this before. This is a NON DC shoulder routine. I would only do this once a week. Someone with better recovery might be able to do it on a rotating routine of 3 sessions in 2 weeks.

You can use whatever equipment you have handy. The movements are what really matters. If you can't do upright rows supstitute for slow rep shrugs or Kelso rows.

warm up rotators, light sp work 1x20

Delt Blast: One NASTY SET!
Smith Shoulder Press 8-12 reps
Upright Rows 8-12 reps
Smith Shoulder Press 6-8 reps (less reps cause of fatigue)
Upright Rows 6-8 reps
Smith Shoulder Press 4-6 reps
Upright Rows 4-6 reps
21's (dumbell laterals done in 3 directions)

STRETCH. DONE. You can drop the weight if you need to as the sets progress because of fatigue as well. It all depends on what you can do.

Again, there are lots of routines. This is just one.

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You do not feel as if you overtrain your front delt in this manner? Both exercises hit the muscles fairly well...add in a chest day, which means lots of bench presses, and it would only further compound the problem...

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If you did a routine like this chest training would need to be scaled back to mostly isolation work. This is a routine to shock some growth.

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Future---how long and where would you suggest one insert rest periods (if any) in the above routine?

thanks by the way... looking for some variation for delts.


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I like it!

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Interesting. I'll definitely give it a try to shock my delts.

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Posted by: wolf78
Future---how long and where would you suggest one insert rest periods (if any) in the above routine?

thanks by the way... looking for some variation for delts.


Sorry my cpu with my addys has been down. Anyway, no rest for the entire round. Then give it about 3-5 minutes maybe try hitting it again.
