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Cardio - Sprints - PCT and Cutting???

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I know for most Bodybuilders the norm after a bulking cycle is that during PCT and for about three weeks after PCT you do not do any cardio so that you ensure that you are able to keep all your gains.

For endurance athletes after running a cycle what is the norm, do you take it easy during PCT or after or do you continue with normal training throughout and after?

Also for track athletes who would cycle for the increased recovery as well as the strength gains where mass retention is not really important but strength retention is, what should be the protocol for training during and after PCT, can you continue to run sprints and endurance exercises and still keep the strength gains?

Lastly, I know the detection time for prop is two weeks, so does that mean that you run prop till two weeks right before an event or do you finish a couple months before and finish your PCT before a comp. Thanks in adavance.

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I don't agree one should do no cardio during that phase, everyone should do cardio (light to moderate) at least 3 times per week.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Ok, not a huge amount of experience speaking here reagrds the PED side of things btu having read around the subject feel I can comment on the training side of things:

Track athletes: Srength gains are not the ultimate role of PEDs, improved performance is. Most athletes (generalisation) will follow some sort of several heavy weeks of training followed by 1 easier week to allow supercompensation. First week of PCT would coincide with this easier week. In this week, volume of high intensity work would drop and allow easier recovery this week. There is a post somewhere about how the russians do it, three week cycles, will look it up and post it here. If you have time maybe worth running for 7 weeks (3 hard-1 easy-3 hard) then start pct.

If you just have one comp that will be tested, run up to the comp for peak performance. Remember can switch to Suspension and even gels closer in to the competition to keep levels and performance up closer in without risk of detection, then start pct after wards (there is also a post somewhere on this which I will try and dig out).

If you are likely to have another tested comp after the first, then definately pct before the first comp. You're already at a higher level of performance from your "supplemented" training, so will still be operating at a higher level.

Hope this helps.

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Where does this come from bro?

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Thanks for the information, if you could find that Russian protocol it would be much appreciated. It is the offseason now, so I could run a cycle up to ten this deemed as too long for a track or endurance athlete, I figure if you are going to be shut down completely either way what is the difference between 7 and 10 weeks, i realize this must be within reason.

Also I am not familiar with PED, what does it stand for?

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Its not a Russian protocol, but a paper on the theory behind what they did:

Russian study thread

PED is a crap term for performance enhancing drugs, they keep using it in the media and ive picked it up.

The longer you are shut down, the longer it will take to get back to normal. So 7 weeks would be better than 10, though it woul dprobably work out at 11 anyway (an extra 4 week training block in my example)


Its kind of a mix of what Ive learned about training theory, what Ive heard off other athletes, and a bit of theorizing.

All the guys I know have performed best when on cycle. Although know a guy who used growth purely to help recovery during winter and performed well come comp time.

Maybe I should have been clearer and said that your easy week should coincide with the week before your pct. This will be when all the androgens will be at the lowest in your system so will be giving you least recovery, and will be when your training will be easiest.

If you have any specific enquiries, let me have 'em?

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perhaps guijr was referring to the notion that bodybuilders do not do cardio during pct? this is a rather old fashioned notion. btw, i am moving this thread to the endurance section befor all these rabid bbrs get antsy!


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I really appreciate the responses.

I have a few more questions, now that this is in the appropriate forum. Thanks jboldman.

Is the standard PCT protocol for endurance and track athletes still the same, the one that I was thinking about running is from this site:

Week Nolvadex HCG aromasin Vitamin E
1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day
4 20mgs/day 20mgs/day
5 20mgs/day
6 20mgs/day

Also, does anyone use test e or just prop? and Lastly, what is the duration most of you run your cycles? is there a big difference in recovery from a 7 week cycle compared to a 10 week cycle?

A lot of questions i know, but it is quite difficult finding information for none bodybuilding purposes

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I want to add in the fairly long detection times of most pct. If someone cycles off of an aas cycle and is planning on doing their pct pre-contest, the pct detection time is something that has to be factored correctly as serms and the like will be tested for in most circumstances.

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Depending on what you've been taking for your cycle, and for how long, that pct coul dbe considered a little overkill. and Piston made a good point about detection times of these substances as well.

I know for the sort of cycle you would be looking at Realgains tends to recommend using the HCG during the cycle, to keep the guys full and buoyant, but again it will depend on what you're taking and how much etc. PCt should really be a continuation of, and therefore specific to, your cycle. This may not neccessarily mean huge changes, but really shouldn't be considered just on its own.

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I have read the detection time for nolvadex is only 4 days, is this true? Also, anyone have any idea of the detection time for Aromasin and HCG?
