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can't get chest to grow

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i do the 1st workout one week, 2nd workout next week. #1 flat bench barbell press 4 sets incline dumbbell press 4 sets cable flyes 3 sets #2 incline dumbbell press 4 sets flat bench dumbbell press 4 sets flat bench dumbbell flyes and i can't get the damn thing to grow at all

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Are you training progressively? With a training log? What does your rep/weight scheme look like?

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When I had that problem I found that I needed to eliminate flat bench press completely. It didnt build my chest at all. I upped the other exercies (cable flyes, db press, incline) to match the same amount of sets as I was doing before. This worked well for me.

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did you still do flat dumbell press or only incline dumbell press? I'm thinking of doing the same thing, the rest of my body is progressing nicely but my chest is lagging hardcore. I'm thinking this. Flat dumbell or cable flys (3 sets) Incline Barbell press (3 sets) Incline Dumbell press (2 sets) Flat dumbell press (3 sets) Dips (2 sets) Too much? Suggestions?

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I do about about 2 sets of flat and 4 sets of inclines. I save the dips until the end of my workout.

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Weighted dips first...strict form, heavy. DB flat bench and incline. 9-12 sets. Also work your delts hard with behind the neck presses. Will do wonders for your bench.

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Heavy dips helped me out alot. Add weight slowly if you are not used to the movement. Like the others said focusing more on DB's should also help chest development.

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I agree adding dips to the workout. I would do incline BB press and do flat DB flyes. And widechest or decline for a fourth exercise.

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Originally posted by Delta1 Presuming your workouts are adequate (if not, the advice given by the others is dead on), you must take genetics into account. For some people, they can't get their calves to grow. My friend blasts his calves twice a week and he still has one about 1 1/2" smaller than the other. Yet, he has the cobra traps and never works them out. Assuming you didn't sustain a major injury, I believe that your particular genetics may keep you from developing your chest how you want, no matter which gear (if you're on) and how much you do. very true. With me, it is my calves. I can train with guys who have huge calves and not miss a beat, yet I refuse to wear shorts to the gym mine are so embarrasing. My chest has always been big, though. I had a big chest when I was in high school and could only bench 200lbs. It is largely genetics, but dont give up hope....i still blast my calves.

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I feel genetics plays the most major role... I do little more than flat bench BB presses and Chest is one of my best parts.... FOX

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pre exhaust , use that a lot , maybe the supportive muscles are coming into play more than necessary and that might be impeding growth . also , extreme streching ( use doggcrapp's idea , also u can come up with ways to strech ur chest i'm sure ) , also a lot of site injecting ( if u want to go that route) . hope i helped .

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i agree with the statement that genetics plays a big role. my chest just will not grow to proportion with the rest of my body and yet it is the strongest part of my body. my chest workout is the best workout of them all yet my arms grow like a mofo but my chest stays the same. it's been 2 years n still no improvementon the size just the strenght and i do size training , do u think one day shell just blow up or should i just go for the strenght training and forget having a big chest

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hey, well heres what i did, my weakenss is my f*ucking triceps 🙁 lol legas are huge, and chest is too, but tri's.....??? wout for chest -incline dumbells- 4 sets (last one drop set) -incline press (barbell or smith machine) 4 sets -flat dumbells- 4 sets -pick 2 - cable cross overs top and bottom/ flat or incline flys this is what i did, i copied some pros who had the same problem, and they alwyas hit 2 inclines first, thats the mass builder for chest

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Originally posted by KILROZ i do the 1st workout one week, 2nd workout next week. #1 flat bench barbell press 4 sets incline dumbbell press 4 sets cable flyes 3 sets #2 incline dumbbell press 4 sets flat bench dumbbell press 4 sets flat bench dumbbell flyes and i can't get the damn thing to grow at all you might be one of those who push themselves extra hard with chest workouts and only end up getting a great pump in the arms and nothing for the chest. alot of ppl are doing this and they are unaware that they are lifting too much. if you try to lift too much your chest muscles will immediately give up and your shoulders and tris begin to do 90 percent of the work. instead of trying to do alot of sets and excersises for the chest, try only 2 excersises once per week for the chest. 1st one make it a mass building excersise, and second make it and isolating excersise. i only do 4 sets of flat bench presses, and then 3 sets of dumbell or machine flyes. i concentrate very very hard on using the chest for every single lift and do the lower part of the movement slowly. also, i make sure i pause at the top of every movement for a moment, with the chest flexed as intesely as possible. i do the mass building excersise to failure for every set. 3 sets into my chest excersises my chest is very full and pumped and still do not feel much of a pump in the tris or shoulders. and i can safely say my chest is one of the my best body parts. good luck

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I too have trouble growing my chest. I found that dumbell excercises give me the most stimulation ,provided you go heavy enough . I still use flat and incline bench though . One thing you can look into is the possibility of working your chest twice a day.once in the morning then again after work. Use the same chest routine just twice a day . If you are using steroids they anti catabolic/ accelerated recovery you will get from the drugs will keep you from over training. This routine will work the chest harder than one workout alone per day . You should see increased strength and developement . Make sure your diet is adequate ( enough calories) to allow the drugs to produce the growth . My main fault when on cycles is not getting enough calories. Think of steroids as an extra work crew on a construction project . With the right amount of materials ( food/drugs) you can double your productivity . Without the extra materials the "added work crew " ( steroids) , won't do any good . "effort is the difference between winning and losing"

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