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Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

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Posted by: Nandi12
One would think that if it were superior, the East Germans would have been using it routinely, but I have never seen any reference to it in the Stasi literature.

My point exactly. We've read the same archive. boldenone was also around prior to the development of RhEPO, so if it were a potent endurance aid, it surely would have been used.

I agree with you that all forms of AS must stimulate ertyropoeisis to some degree, however It seems that EQ doesn't stand out from the rest.

The notion that eq increases vascularity has no attachment to endurance. EPO actually causes bloating as well, which causes a smoother appearance for muscles. Vascularity actually decreases with EPO use, despite a dramatic increase in HCT and BP.

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If it is such that androgens do cause a HCT elevation and aromatization decreases cell respiration, then why were there no comments on it? Therefore, these two point would be used to make the case that Eq is a better choice for endurance athletes over test, yet niether you or monkeyballs have commented on it (the two nay-sayers of the arguement). This leads me to the conclusion that I had no idea what I was talking about and should shut up lol

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Posted by: Nandi12
I honestly don't know how it stacks up against other AAS in this regard. I have never been able to find any data on it, probably because it is intended for use in animals. I imagine the rumor arises from the fact that it is used in racehorces and racing dogs. One would think that if it were superior, the East Germans would have been using it routinely, but I have never seen any reference to it in the Stasi literature.



I thought that was the old east german secret service.

But I have several friends who play soccer competitevely..and the drugs of choice are either Test or EQ. EQ is preferred by those which test bloats or causes irritability, and test is preferred by those who get no bloat from it and get anxiety from EQ(Which IMO is a statistically significant amount).
Nobody ever runs winny b/c your joints would self destruct during a soccer game. I tried it once, not a good idea. I had the worst case of shin splints ever.


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Posted by: ready2explode
No, its just that no one has commented on it. If it is such that androgens do cause a HCT elevation and aromatization decreases cell respiration. Therefore, these two point would be used to make the case that EQ is a better choice for endurance athletes over test, yet niether you or monkeyballs have commented on it (the two nay-sayers of the arguement). This leads me to the conclusion that I had no idea what I was talking about and should shut up lol

Read my last response. It explains why endurance athletes run either EQ or Test.


If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

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Posted by: Fonz


I thought that was the old east german secret service.

It was. The stasi ran the East German sports machine.

"Faust's Gold"...a fascinating book on the whole subject. You should give it a read.

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All documents of the governmentally organized and controlled hormonal doping in the GDR sports system were classified and accessible only to selected persons ("cadres"): The security was controlled by the Ministry for State Security (Ministerium f�r Staatssicherheit, MfS; colloquially abbreviated Stasi).1

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Posted by: Foggy Doggy

Also that most BBers are more vain than most folks.....not sure if that one is true or not

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Posted by: Nandi12
If it's one thing I always try to stress here iced is do your own research and try to draw your own conclusions. You should be familiar enough with the use of PubMed, for example, to go there and type in Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator and see if winstrol is mentioned. Or alternatively, type in Stanozolol progesterone and see if any research on winstrol being such an agent is mentioned.

What are you trying to make me smarter? Come on, I need a crutch to lean on. LOL, i know, im just lazy sometimes. Who would think learning about steroids and other compounds would be just like school.

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Re: Biggest Bodybuilding Myths

Posted by: Nandi12
9) Androgen receptors need to be "cleaned out" periodically

Androgen receptors are continually being turned over in the body. There is no need to clean out existing receptors because they only have a halflife of a few hours

well this is interesting cos i was planning to run pgf-2 site specifically before a max androgenic protocol just becos of its highly praised androgen receptor upregulating properties .

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Raybravo, I think you need to stop listening to that Rea guy

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Posted by: Blade
Raybravo, I think you need to stop listening to that Rea guy

lol i guess lol , man , lol please o please tell me why this wont work . lol . i feel like an idiot . lol .

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Who would think learning about steroids and other compounds would be just like school.

I don't know, I look back and think college was the happiest time in my life just about.

Anyway, it's not that difficult. Like the thyroid. So what if it shrinks during a T3 cycle. Your nuts shrink during an AAS cycle and they come back. The only difference is your thyroid comes back a lot faster, as the M&M; article pointed out, with references.

And with estrogen, it is both an anorectic and lipolytic hormone. The anorectic, or appetite suppresive, effect is thought to be due to an estrogen induced inhibition in Melanin-concentrating hormone signaling (1).

The fat loss effects are thought to be due primarily to an estrogen induced suppression of lipoprotein lipase, the body's main fat storage hormone. The link I directed you to earlier goes into great detail.

People who talk about "estrogenic fat" are just looking at one limited aspect of estrogen's action. There is no such thing as estrogenic fat. The net action is one of fat burning. In fact, to quote from the leading expert on the hormonal control of fat,

"Oestrogens seem to exert net effects similar to those of testosterone" (2).

Interestingly, recent research has even attributed at least part of testosterone's fat burning properties to its local aromatization to estradiol (3).

(1) J Neurosci 2000 Nov 15;20(22):8637-42

Hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone and estrogen-induced weight loss.

Mystkowski P, Seeley RJ, Hahn TM, Baskin DG, Havel PJ, Matsumoto AM, Wilkinson CW, Peacock-Kinzig K, Blake KA, Schwartz MW.

(2) Hum Reprod 1997 Oct;12 Suppl 1:21-5

Hormonal control of regional fat distribution.

Bjorntorp P.

(3) Metabolism 1997 Feb;46(2):179-85

Evidence for sex steroid inhibition of lipoprotein lipase in men: comparison of abdominal and femoral adipose tissue.

Ramirez ME, McMurry MP, Wiebke GA, Felten KJ, Ren K, Meikle AW, Iverius PH

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How bout the myth that drinking winny is just as effective as IM.?

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4) Aromatase inhibitors and SERMS reduce the anabolic effects of steroids

Again, there is no research to support this. The effect is claimed to be due to reduction in IGF-1. As mentioned, hepatic IGF-1 is probably relatively unimportant for muscle growth

agreed , they might not affect the gains becos of lowering igf-1 , but what about the effect of lets say Clomid/Nolvadex on shbg levels ? arimi doesnt seem to affect shbg levels , but what about other aromatase inhibitors ?

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Posted by: raybravo
well this is interesting cos i was planning to run pgf-2 site specifically before a max androgenic protocol just becos of its highly praised androgen receptor upregulating properties .

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