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Additional workouts I am adding

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Remember before reading this, I am not hardcore, I just want some bulk and some strength. Just got my new bench and I am doing bench presses as follows: Weight * # of sets * # of reps 160 * 2 * 8 170 * 2 * 8 180 * 2 * 5 190 * 2 * 5 Now I just ordered a pair of Olympic bar dumbells and I am going to add flies and curls to my workout. With my existing bench I can lay flat, decline, and incline. How should I do the two additional workouts I want to add?

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Post your total routine first. Let us know your split and then we can give you a better reply.

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i think 8 sets is too much for bench

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Bench Press 160 * 2 * 8 170 * 2 * 8 180 * 2 * 5 190 * 2 * 5 Shoulder Shrug 190lbs 2 sets of 10 shrugs with a 30sec. break between them. On Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I ride my stationary bike for 35 minutes having my heartrate set at 145. I want to add Curls and Incline Flys. Oh by the way, the design of this bench alows standing rows. You think it's worth wild to do?

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All you do now are benches and shrugs? Odd combo. No flame intended but even for general health and fitness (not hardcore) that is a terrible routine. I would do 2-3 full body workouts per week on alternating days with 1-2 movements per bodypart for general fitness plus cardio.

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o..k..a...y. Expect to get some major flames bro. The best suggestion I can give u. Is go get a membership at a gym. And hire a personal trainer to show u how to do your exercises correctly. If u want even a general health workout, u NEED to train back, legs, shoulders, calves, tris.... like, your whole body and not just chest and bi's. Your body works symetrically, if u dont train your opposing muscle groups, ie tris AND bis, or back AND chest, then 1. You wont grow and 2. U will look disproportionate, and stupid... 3. Everyone will laugh at u. Bro, at least u are coming here to ask questions, u got alot to learn....KEEP READING, DOING SEARCHES AND LEARNING!!! best of luck bro.

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Valk brought up a good point about opposing muscles. Having disproportionate strength in one group over the other can cause injuries.

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Then what about all these people that get benches and only bench and do curls and sometimes shoulder shrugs? There are a lot of people that do that.

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there are also a lot of people that get drunk everynight and still have great bodies... doesnt mean its the right thing to do... i guess it is possible but id rather not be able to bench a weight that i dont even look like i can pick up off the floor

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To see if I understand this correctly, the mindset replies I am getting is all about having the look as well as the strength? If I understand that correctly I am not at all interested in that. Look I just want to fill my tank top and look somewhat good. I will not be toned nor trimmed, I am not taking it that seriously. I want to remain strong and get stronger, I want to stay big and get a little bigger. I do not want to diet, join a gym, or higher a trainer for that is not for me. I am a home workout person, I am dedicated to do my workout according to my routine. That's all. I understand you guys are bodybuilders and kudos to you, but that is not me. Now since I don't do it the "right" way, does it still make me wrong?

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Not to be harsh but people that ONLY bench and curl are a waste of space and should just give it up because they are pathetic. We call them 'baywatch benchers' at our gym, since that is all they used to do on Baywatch - curl and bench. If you want big arms you have to at least train tris. Bi's are a small bodypart and only responsible for 1/3 of you arm. I've never known anyone who would do a routine like that. But like Valk said you've come to the right place to learn. Tons of good routines here for whatever you want to be: Bodybuilder, powerlifter, recreational fitness....tons and tons of info here and very smart guys and gals.

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Just read your reply above my last post. We posted at the same time: If you only want to look good in a tank top that is fine,not everyone wants to be huge but your routine will not provide you with what you are looking for. You must still strive for balance. Big droopy 'manboobs' and knotty little bi's do not impress anyone.

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Originally posted by Iman74 To see if I understand this correctly, the mindset replies I am getting is all about having the look as well as the strength? If I understand that correctly I am not at all interested in that. Look I just want to fill my tank top and look somewhat good. I will not be toned nor trimmed, I am not taking it that seriously. I want to remain strong and get stronger, I want to stay big and get a little bigger. I do not want to diet, join a gym, or higher a trainer for that is not for me. I am a home workout person, I am dedicated to do my workout according to my routine. That's all. I understand you guys are bodybuilders and kudos to you, but that is not me. Now since I don't do it the "right" way, does it still make me wrong? well...honestly, if you want to fill your tank top, remain strong and get stronger, your going to have to put more work into it that you think. diet is very important. you say you want to get bigger, but to grow you have to eat right. sure, a lot of people here are on a different level than you, but that doesnt mean you wave the rules and dont have to be dedicated.

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Originally posted by littlewilly Just read your reply above my last post. We posted at the same time: If you only want to look good in a tank top that is fine,not everyone wants to be huge but your routine will not provide you with what you are looking for. You must still strive for balance. Big droopy 'manboobs' and knotty little bi's do not impress anyone. Okay Willy then throw me a bone, you know the equipment i have: A power tech leverage press that can go into multiple positions Pair of Olympic dumbells 220lbs of weights and I can get more if needed. Give me a routine with what I have please.

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Can you use the leverage press support stands for squats? I've never used this piece of equipment myself. I would do either full body workouts such as: Squats Stiff leg deads Bench Press Incline DS press Bent Rows Pullovers Chins (if possible) Military press DB curls Over head ext DB calf Crunches About 1-2 sets per movement for 6-12 reps per set 2-3 times a week on alternting days. Like wise you could train M-W-F and do: Mon Squat Weds Bench Fri Deadlift On each day add a few assistance movements ie: M- Lunges and Box squats, calf raises W- Military press, lying tri ext, Incline DB press F- Rows, curls, abs
