18 yr/old needs hel...
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18 yr/old needs help

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ok guys I've been training for about 4 years and have a pretty decent build. My chest needs some big improvement I think though. I train very intensely, and eat right and get all my protein in, but my muscles I work out get very soar, and was wondering what I could do/use to speed up recovery/growth time. I've tried, no2, creatine, endothil-cr, and a load of some other supps. Any recommendations as far as supps? Most important growth factors? Thanks, Shawn

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List your stats and training routine. Maybe you could try changing some things up to shock your body into growth.

Also remember, your only 18 years old. You have to be patient and understand that your body will respond when it is ready whether you like it or not. I'm not saying relax and be lazy...

I'm saying that your already on the right track by working out and eating right. Your a conscious guy so try to understand that all good things take time.

Post your stats and let the guys critique your workout and diet. There's always room for improvement.

Good luck!

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It's possible that your overtraining the chest what do you do and how often?

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You talked about your protein intake, but what do you have to say about your daily carbs intake? Remember that carbs with protein are mandatory for individuals willing muscle growth and repair.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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hi guys I've only been a couple of weeks on my new diet. I try to eat alot of low GI carbs, except after my workout I'll have some hi gi's like malodextrin. I take in about 180G of protein/day, and 200 carbs, maybe I should bump up the carbs to 300? I'm 5'11'' 179lbs. Not sure on body fat, my arms are pretty vascular and you can sort of see my abs. I usually train one muslce area a week, so whatever I train has a week to recover, or longer if I can't make it to the gym I usually train my biceps and back the same day, and triceps and chest. Then on other days I'll do everything else. I don't really have a strict training log as my diet is. I get tues, weds, fri off so I work out those days.

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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 19

Well you said chest so lets start there.
What is your chest routine? Do you always do the same routine and if not, how often to you change it up?
