10/23 Maximum Effor...
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10/23 Maximum Effort BP (Attachment for BFP)

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1. Average Band Reverse Band Press: 135x3x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315xMiss Came aabout 3/4's of the way up-Same weight pinned me last time with these. 2. Average Band Reverse Band 3 Board Press: 275x4x5 3. Dips: 4x5 Had not done these in about 3 years 4. Seated Cable Rows: 160x4x10 5. Mini Band Pull Aparts: 3x20 6. Standing Abs: Average Bandx4x10 7. Rolling DB's: 15'sx65 Was aiming for 75 reps Erm

Reputable Member
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Nice training partners there bro!

Eminent Member
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Posts: 15

You really wanted me to check out your workout that badly huh? I do accept bribery. By the way, what is your reverse band press pr? Thanks for the pic, is the secret now out that I am a total perv?

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My PR with Blue's is 385 and Green's is 325, but those were done with my regular lifting crew at www.cryptgym.com; the rack at my house has a 3" platform in it, so you get less pop out of the bottom from the bands. Erm

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Posts: 16

Eman, in all of your max effort workouts you make big jumps and work up until you miss a weight, then you retake the weight that you missed. IMHO, I would make smaller jumps and do allot more singles with heavier weight before you go for a max. Looking good, Dave
