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10/13 raw bench

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Was feeling sick over the weekend, had to skip legs, back, and biceps. I really have to start hitting them hard again one day. raw bench 515x1, went pretty easy, but I did not want to push myself too much today shoulder presses from rack 450x3, damn, I learned a good lesson. I warmed up with my first set using the 100lb. plates. So I did 245 for 5 and then 445 felt like a ton of bricks. I so underestimated it that I did not even raise the bar with my first push. I squeezed the bar and then drove it for a comfortable 3, but never again. I will be back to my pathetic 90lb. jumps on Friday (I had also used the 100's for lockouts last Friday, me no like then either :wallbash:

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Great job BFP, you overhead the bar from the eyes up right? I do 90lb jumps as well but I know exactly what you were feeling.Its like i feel warm so fuck it lets see how it goes. And if you feel sick take Echinachae. Its a American Indian remedy, it boosts your immune system. You can find it in any drug store or walmart and the shit will have you up and about in no time...

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Fuck, an easy 515? You're a scary man!

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I agree with STA, unless you have Hay Fever, then the echinacea can aggrivate that. Also try zinc lozenges. They work pretty well for me. Or stop drinkin and carousing so damn much:)

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Posts: 16

Despite being sick, that is an ill lift!!!!!!!!!! Erm
